- An Internal DataSource could not be created without using the "Construct" dialog. An Internal DataSource must be given a name but previously the Name field was disabled until after using the Construct dialog. The name field is now always enabled.
Corrected "Depends on previous job" to "Depends on previous task" in Task list for Workflow Job.
- Fixed an issue where Studio would report a "502 Bad gateway" error while trying to contact MapServer
Fixed an issue where Map Editor would raise an error if a path was wrapped in apostrophes rather than quotes
Fixed the check to make sure that a Map Source doesn't already exist when the user tries to import a new one
- OGC and Thematic layers now save the Find Nearest information correctly
- Reduced the scope for Workflow to wipe Stored Procedure argument values.
- Resolved an issue where Studio would raise an exception about invalid characters in a map file
- Some Astun SQL functions were not communicating errors to Workflow so it would assume that they had worked successfully.
- Studio Workflow now tries to work out which one of identically named stored procedures is to be used.
- Studio now calls atversion.aspx successfully when the external site requires authentication
- Studio now no longer truncates map file layer names with spaces or special characters in them
- Studio now saves the startup values correctly when they are set to zero.
- Studio will now no longer raise an exception when you try to create a scheduled task, but asks if you have permissions to the tasks directory.
Create New Mapsource functionality error messages have been improved, and the save dialog is now more intelligent on where it first opens
Import Existing Mapsource functionality and error messages have been improved, and the open dialog now opens in the correct directory
OGC OGC layer link field names are no longer being truncated
OGC thematic point colour will now load correctly
SLD Editor will now accept symbolizers tags that start with "ogc:"
Available Field list will now stay in the correct order after changing them and saving the layer
Geometry column is no longer "forgotten" by the OGC layer after it is saved
Hyperlink field no longer needs to be in the field list for the hyperlinks to work
The link this field in OGC layers will no longer be empty when it should be populated
The list of functions in a Stored Procedure task will now be updated correctly if you switch Data Sources.
Mapsource will no longer become corrupted after moving a layer up or down and then saving
The Port field for the Workflow database connection is now restricted to allow only valid values. Also the Stored Procedure Workflow task will now show a friendly error if it cannot connect to the database.
The Stored Procedure parameter edit text box is no longer partially covered by the comments box
- Better matching of Workflow parameter values (again).
Studio will now retry refreshing the external server using the user's credentials if the external server requires authentication
Resolved the issue where a Workflow Task would not appear in the list if it's name was a subset of another tasks name.