Core Technologies
- PostGres 1315
- PostGIS 3
- Python 3.9
- MapServer 7.6.3
- OGR 3.3.0
- MapProxy 1.14 (replacement for Tilecache)
The Data Share configuration dialog has been revised to allow for configuring two database connections (replacing the previous one). The connection details other than the password are shown in the Data Share dialog but are configured using the Configure... button to edit the details in pop-up dialogs, rather than directly in the main dialog.
- Studio no longer generates an unhandled exception for the user that prevents changes when reconfiguring a Datasource with an invalid database connection, it will log the error to the Studio log instead.
The database connection in Data Share has now been split into two, with one for managing data in Studio and the Data Share sync console, and one for reading it from the web applications.
When Studio loads the iShare configuration from a previous version it will first create a connection for Webservices in DataShare.xml, then it will ensure that Workflow has both 'DataShare' and a 'Webservices' connections (the latter using the details from the new connection in Data Share) and lastly it will convert all layers that currently use the 'DataShare' connection to instead use the 'Webservices' connection.
Thereafter it will default to using 'Webservices' as the connection for new layers, but other PostgreSQL connections in Workflow, including 'DataShare' can still be chosen by the user if needed.
This change increases security through separation of concerns and should make managing permissions in iShare and SDW databases more straightforward.
iShare Core
- Improved file access for SLDs to prevent 'red dot' un-styled layer legend graphics.