The NLPG Importer allows for the importing of NLPG supplied files in DTF 7.3 format which may then be used in iShare as an address lookup. As iShare will only be performing an address lookup (with property easting and northing) we only need to process the STREET (11), STREET DESCRIPTOR (15), BLPU (21) and LPI (24) records.
When the NLPG Importer runs a log file will be written to the Logs sub folder where the Python script resides e.g. C:\Python\NLPG Importer\Logs.
The Import Process
In order to import your NLPG data into Data Share and keep it up-to-date you will need to do the following:
Process the NLPG data files
Files received from the NLPG hub will be copied, by the customer, into a processing folder (Pending) and an archive folder (Archive). The importer will then process each file in order of datestamp (oldest first). Once a file has been successfully processed it will be placed into a Completed folder.
Once the file processing has finished, the importer will then attempt to copy the files into their respective tables using the Postgres 'COPY INTO' command. Each imported row will be given its own sequence number column in the database table. There will be four tables created, one for each of the record identifiers above.
Import them into Data Share
A View of the latest data will be created in the NLPG Importer database for each of the four tables.
A Data Share connection to each of the four views in the NLPG Postgres database will need to be created in iShare Studio.
Automate the NLPG Import process
In order to automate the NLPG Import process a Workflow Job will need to be created along with several Tasks. Once the Job has been defined you can schedule the Job to run at a particular time.