This way of integrating with your CRM has been superceded by the Integration with Embedded Map solution.

This example shows how to define a layer for Previously Reported Faults together with an Assets layer. You must configure your Layers as follows:

Logger will then merge the two layers together and the only layer that will be visible to the user is the Previously Reported Faults layer with an appropriate Display Name e.g. Abandoned Cars. Displaying an Assets layer forces the user to click on an actual asset on the map and if they don’t, nothing will happen. If you do not have an assets layer then the user will be able to click anywhere on the map to record a fault.

Logger Map Configuration

The following is an example of a wrapper page for the Logger map atFaultLogging.aspx that you may copy.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
      <title>Fault Logging</title>
         html, body { height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0;}
         #atFaultLogging, #atMap { height: 100%; }
         #atPanelContainer { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; height: 0; font-size: 86%;}
         #atPanelContainer .atPanel { width: 300px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 4px; margin: 4px;}
         .atResultsNavBack, .atResultsNavForward { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
         .atResultsNavBack { float: left; }
         .atResultsNavForward { text-align: right; }
         .at-fl-modeview { background-color: blue; }
         .at-fl-modeedit { background-color: red; }
         <script type="text/javascript">
var faultlogger = {};
faultlogger.model = 'standard';
faultlogger.returnEasting = 'east';
faultlogger.returnNorthing = 'north';
faultlogger.returnURLParam = 'returl';
faultlogger.submitformtext = '<p>When you\'ve specified the location you want, please press the <strong>Continue</strong> button: ';
faultlogger.helptext = '<strong>Click the map</strong> where you wish to set the location.  Use the <strong>Find Address</strong> panel to search for a particular address.';
         <!-- #include virtual = "atIncFaultLogging.aspx" -->


This parameter determines whether the map edit is enabled or not. Using ‘locationLookup’ will enable Editing and a Case Id will not be required, the user can simply click on the map to report the fault. If you leave the default of‘standard’ then the user will have to select Enable marker placement before clicking on the map to record the fault and a case id will be required.

faultlogger.returnEasting & returnNorthing

These are the names of the parameters for the Easting and Northing passed through to the e-form. Please change accordingly.


If you wish to ignore the conventional Logger process and just submit everything to another page then this is the name of the parameter used for the URL to that page. If the parameter is not found then Logger will simply proceed as normal.


This entry controls the text that is displayed as the Help for Logger e.g.


This controls the text displayed on what to do to submit the form e.g.


This entry must be changed to point to your Logger map source.

The citizen clicks on the Report It tab and selects the type of information that they wish to report. They have previously entered a Current Location.