
Data Manipulation



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If you are seeing errors like this it’s very likely that your Shapefile contains geometries that are too precise.

Shapefiles can often contain geometries that have a large number of decimal places. There are examples of them going to 15 decimal places which, in metres, is getting into the atomic scale. PostgreSQL doesn’t support decimal places that far so to load them you need to provide an Additional parameter -lco PRECISION=NO that tells OGR to ignore the decimal places beyond which PostgreSQL supports. It’s a common issue with moving Shapefiles into PostgreSQL.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open iShare Studio and locate the Shapefile Task that has the issue.

  2. Tick the Show expert mode and then add the following into the Additional parameters -lco PRECISION=NO to your Task as shown below.

3. Leave the Task to be run as scheduled or run it manually and check the error is gone.