Exporting data from PostgreSQL

Exporting data from PostgreSQL

Here we will show you how to use Studio to export data, in this case Primary Schools, from PostgreSQL to generate a .TAB file, but the same method may be used to output the data to other formats.

This is done via a Workflow Spatial Data Transformation Task.

  • Open either iShare Studio or iShare GIS Studio.

  • Expand the Workflow node by clicking on the plus beside the node.

  • Now expand the Jobs node.

  • Right click on Unassigned tasks and select New Task.

  • Select Spatial Data Transformation as the Task Type and click OK.

  • Enter Export Primary Schools as the Name. SourceData is the DataShare database and Output is MapInfo. Enter a filename e.g. E:\iShareData\Data\Workshop\Primary_Schools.tab. As we are going to use a select statement to extract the data you don't need to select a Table.

  • Tick the Show expert mode and add the following into the Additional parameters to extract the Primary Schools from edubase:

  • Save the entry and then Run the Task.

  • You should see the .tab file in the location you specified.

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