Supported 3rd Party Software Versions

Supported 3rd Party Software Versions

Astun 3rd Party Installer

Where there is no Version entry for Software under a specific iShare release please assume it hasn't changed from the previous release of iShare. Also if there is no column for your release of iShare again please assume nothing has changed since the previous release.

iShare Releases



7-Zip7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio and is the component used for archiving the tile cache.7-Zip License16.02

FirefoxThis will also install Firebug which helps in debugging your iShare installation and is much better than Internet Explorer in this instanceMozilla Public License45.3.0esr

Notepad++Open source Text Editor with syntax highlighting, useful for editing Astun configuration files.General Public License6.9.2

MapServerThis is a pre-requisite for iShare as it handles all of the mapping.MapServer License6.0 + 6.4

TileCacheContains the files required to create the BaseMaps tile cache.TileCache Contributors2.10

PythonPython is used as the interpreter for the Astun scripts.Python 2.7 License2.7

PILPython Imaging Library required for the Astun Backup application.PIL License1.1.7

PyGreSQLRequired for the Astun Backup application.PyGreSQL Copyright5.0.1

Win32API/pywin32Used to allow Python to use windows calls.Python Software Foundation License220.1

WerkzeugWSGI Utilitieswerkzeug License0.11.3

pytzWorld Timezone Definitions for Pythonpytz License2015.7

sixPython 2 and 3 compatibility libraryOpen Source Initiative MIT License1.10.0

python-dateutilPython extensions to the datetime moduledateutil License2.4.2

aniso8601-1.1.0A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings.BSD License1.1.0

MarkupSafeUnicode subclass to support HTML stringsMarkupSafe License0.2.3

Jinja2Templating language for PythonJinja License2.8

itsdangerousCryptographic signing moduleitsdangerous License0.24

clickInterface for creating command line interfacesClick License6.2

pyprojPython interface to PROJ.4 librarypyproj License1.95

requestsHTTP library for PythonApache License

OWSLibOWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standardsOSWLib License0.10.3

SQLAlchemySQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.SQLAlchemey License1.0.11

pycryptoPython cryptography toolkitpycrypto Copyright2.6.1

FlaskWeb development micro framework for PythonFlask License0.11.0

Flask-RESTfulExtension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.Flask-RESTful License0.3.5

wfastcgiAn IIS-Python bridge based on WSGI and FastCGI.Apache License 2.02.99

virtualenvUsed to create isolated python environments.virtualenv License15.0.3

pygresqlOpen source module to interface to a PostgreSQL database.pygresql License5.0.1

psycopg2A PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language.psycopg2 License2.6.2

geometThis is required for FeatureServer and MultiPolygon support. Converts GeoJSON to WKT/WKB (Well-Known Text/Binary), and vice versa.geomet LicenseN/A0.1.1
SUDSLibrary for Python to communicate with SOAP Web Services.Lesser General Public License

Microsoft Log ParserThis is the component iShare uses for logging Address Search statistics if required.Microsoft Community Contributed Downloads2.2

OGRThis component contains the files specifically required for accessing ESRI ArcSDE maps.Open Source Initiative MIT License1.8

MS Visual C++ 2008Installs runtime components of Visual C++ libraries.Open Source Initiative MIT License2008

PostgresThis contains the PostgreSQL database installer which is required by iShare as it hosts the Data Share, My Alerts databases and the iShare Spatial Data Warehouse.PostgreSQL License9.0

PostGISPostGIS provides spatial objects for the PostgreSQL database, allowing storage and query of information about location and mapping.General Public License1.5.5

PgAdmin IIIGUI front end to administer postgrespgAdmin Licence1.12.3

PgOleDbDatabase driver for postgres.Intellisoft License1.8

Robot FrameworkRobot Framework will be required for Astun to run diagnostic tests on your iShare installation for Support purposes. This could also be used by you for running your own Robot Framework tests.Apache License

FeatureServerThis is required if you wish to perform Feature Editing in iShare GIS. The following will also be installed as they are also required for Feature Editing.FeatureServer License1.12.2 (modified)


Used for processing XML and HTML in the Python language.

lxml License3.0.1

psycopg2A PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. This is only installed with FeatureServer if Python has not been selected.psycopg2 License2.6.2

wkhtmltopdfWindows executable and is a prerequisite for the Print to PDF function in iShare GIS.Lesser General Public License0.1.0

iShare Studio ETL

iShare Releases


PythonPython is used as the interpreter for the Astun scripts.Python 2.7 License2.7
PgOleDbDatabase driver for postgresIntellisoft License1.0.0.20
OGRThis component contains the files specifically required for accessing ESRI ArcSDE maps.Open Source Initiative MIT License1.8
Notepad++Open source Text Editor with syntax highlighting, useful for editing Astun configuration files.General Public License6.9.2
Microsoft.netFramework on which iShare Studio ETL is run.

Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable EULA


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