Creating a Schema V1.5

  • Open Studio
  • Expand the Jobs node, right click on Unassigned tasks and select New Task.
  • Create a Workflow Stored Procedure Task and give it a Name e.g. Create SDW Schema
  • Select the Spatial Data WarehouseConnection, Click on the Astun radio button and select the Function at_sdw_new_schema.
  • Select the schemaname parameter and enter the name of your schema in the Edit parameter box. Then select the staffaccess parameter and enter TRUE.

Note: Change "TRUE" to "FALSE" for a private schema.

  • Click the Run button  to run the task. You should see the dialog SPTask 'Create SDW Schema' created successfully. Click OK.
  • Click Save to save your new task details.
  • Your next step is to Assign Access Rights to the Schema.