CMIS Integration

CMIS Integration

System CategoryDemocracy

Client Web Services

Available since




CMIS is the e-Democracy Committee Management System for Local Government. It has a comprehensive member’s database which stores contact and other information such as election history, images, biography and a register of interests. Astun have written a Python script to download this information in order that Councils who have CMIS can configure the My House page to include councillor information e.g.


  • iShare v5.4.0 - This version includes the required version of Python together with the Scripts and XML etc. for this integration.
  • Python 2.7 (including SUDS Library) - included in the Astun 3rd Party Installer. The SUDS Library is required to communicate with SOAP Web Services.

Configuration Steps

The following steps describe how to configure iShare to link to CMIS.

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