How do you want to use your data?

How do you want to use your data?

When designing your Logger Map Source you need to consider how you want to store the information supplied by the user. If you want the information to be integrated with your CRM, in which case you need to define the information that is required by this system and make sure that your Map Source and Logger configuration contain all of the information required. This may be information entered by the user or extracted from either the Target or Context Layers held in the Map Source.

If you choose to configure Logger to post the report to your CRM database then, if you wish the reported problem to be displayed on the Logger map for others to see you would need to configure a Workflow in Studio to extract the data from the CRM to your iShare SDW at regular intervals. You could also choose to post the report to both your CRM and iShare but then you would need to think about how you update iShare with any changes made to the report in your CRM.