Embedding Maps

Embedding Maps


iShare has a variety of different ways of embedding a map directly into a web page. 

In most of the following scenarios, as well as displaying a map, the user will have the use of a Navigation tool to zoom in and out and pan around the map.

  1. iShare Spotlightallows a GIS user to create interactive maps that can be embedded within their own web pages and web applications.
  2. iShare Lite with ol-iShare - Display a simple map at a specific location. You may also: 
    1. include Additional Map Features (layers)
    2. filter information
    3. include an Address Search
    4. does not include a Base Map switcher, uses the default Base Map for the referenced Map Source
  3. iShare Lite – Display a simple map at a specific location. You may also:
    1. include Additional Map Features (layers)
    2. include a List of Features
    3. include points from a GeoRSS feedavailable from v5.2.6.
    4. use Lightbox to display the map.
    5. does not include a Base Map switcher, uses the default Base Map for the referenced Map Source
  4. iShare Solo - Display an interactive map with panels for Find Address, Show Map Categories etc.
    1. include a List of Features
    2. include points from a GeoRSS feedavailable from v5.2.6.
    3. does include a Base map switcher
  5. Embedding a Static Map Image (without JavaScript)


Configure iShare Maps & Functions

Before you can embed a map into your web page you must first have configured iShare via iShare Studio to set up your Base mapping.

Scenarios with Additional Features or Feature Lists will also require you to have set up, in iShare Studio, any other layers that you wish to display.

iShare Solo scenarios will also require you to have configured via iShare Studio, the panel functions that you wish to use such as Find Address, Take Me To etc.

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