iShare Lite

iShare Lite


This scenario describes how you would include an iShare Lite map into your web page displaying a specific location on the map. By default the map data that is displayed is that which you have defined as your Default MapSource in iShare Studio. The default start up map zoom level and positioning is controlled by your MyMaps Startup parameters as defined in iShare Studio. These settings may be configured so please click on one of the Example Code links below for details.

The map will also display a Navigation tool in order that the user may zoom in and out and pan across the map.

If the user wishes to return to the original coordinates and zoom level then they can just click on the globe in the middle of the Navigation tool.

Please refer to one of the following pages, depending upon your version of iShare, for details on how to embed an iShare Lite Map into your web page:

Adding Map Features to your iShare Lite map

This scenario is basically exactly the same as a simple iShare Lite Map with the extra function of displaying additional map layers along with the default Map Source. 

Here you can see the extra Ward and Parish boundary layers displayed in the map.

Please refer to one of the following pages, depending upon your version of iShare, for details on how to embed an iShare Lite Map with Additional Map Features into your web page:

Adding a Feature List to your iShare Lite map

You may configure iShare Lite to display a Feature List (links) for a defined Layer - available from v4.4.6. In order to achieve this, after the map is loaded, iShare makes a call to retrieve the list of features and their links. Clicking on a link in the list will zoom to the feature on the map and display the information for the feature e.g.

Here you can see the results of clicking on the link for Whipton Barton Junior School.

Please refer to one of the following pages, depending upon your version of iShare, for details on how to embed an iShare Lite Map with a Feature List into your web page:

Include points from a GeoRSS feed

Previously, the Lite Map was used to display a subset of the layers in iShare on a customer’s website which meant that all of the information had to come through iShare. A request was received which requested the ability to display dynamic external data on the map, and it was decided the best way to accomplish this was to change the map to accept a GeoRSS feed and automatically display it’s points on the map.

Now, when you include a GeoRSS feed in the constructor for the map, it will fetch the data, add the points to the map, then zoom so that the map displays all of the data. Available from v5.2.6.

There are three main fields in the GeoRSS feed:

  • Title
  • Link
  • Description

By default, the pop-up’s content is generated from these fields, but this can be changed [by using the customPopup parameter] so that the pop-up is generated entirely from the description field which can contain any HTML required. You can also change the style of the icons and pop-up. 

Please refer to one of the following pages, depending upon your version of iShare, for details on how to include an iShare Lite map with GeoRSS into your web page:


Please Note:

JavaScript is unable to make AJAX requests to different domains due to security restrictions, so if a feed is to be requested from a different domain, it will first need to be proxied to the host domain.

Display iShare Lite Map using Lightbox

You can also use iShare Lite to open your map using Lightbox which allows you to overlay images on the current page using modal dialogs e.g.

You will still need to configure an html page for your iShare Lite map in order to define the maps etc. - see above examples for details. Then link to this within the Using Lightbox with iShare Lite.

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