GeoRSS Parameters

The GeoRSS object may be configured using any of the following parameters.

URL - When using a remote GeoRSS feed

In the following example we are passing a URL to the GeoRSS object.

Example - From v5.4.0
liteMap.createMap('atMap', {
        mapSource: 'Workshop/AllMaps',
        view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
        geoRSS: {
            url: ''
Example - Prior to v5.4.0
Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
	$('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
    	view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
      	geoRSS: {
        	url: ''

XML - When using an embedded GeoRSS feed

You can also pass a GeoRSS feed directly into the map as an xml string; which replaces the URL parameter. This can make it easier for a CMS to embed the map. You accomplish this by escaping the GeoRSS feed and then either storing it in a JavaScript string variable or in a hidden input field.

Using a JavaScript Variable

Example - From v5.4.0
var xmlString = unescape( '%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22utf-8%22%3F%3E%%3Crss%20version%3D%222.0%22 … %3C/rss%3E' );
liteMap.createMap('atMap', {
        mapSource: 'Workshop/AllMaps',
        view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
        geoRSS: {
            xml: xmlString
Example - Prior to v5.4.0
var xmlString = unescape( '%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22utf-8%22%3F%3E%%3Crss%20version%3D%222.0%22 … %3C/rss%3E' );
Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
	$('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
   		view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
      	geoRSS: { 
        	xml: xmlString

Using a Hidden Input field

Example - From v5.4.0
<input type=”hidden” name=”xml” id=”xml” value=”%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22utf-8%22%3F%3E%%3Crss%20version%3D%222.0%22 … %3C/rss%3E” />
var xmlString  = unescape( document.getElementById('xml').value );
liteMap.createMap('atMap', {
        mapSource: 'Workshop/AllMaps',
        view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000}
        geoRSS: {
            xml: xmlString
Example - Prior to v5.4.0
<input type=”hidden” name=”xml” id=”xml” value=”%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22utf-8%22%3F%3E%%3Crss%20version%3D%222.0%22 … %3C/rss%3E” />
var xmlString  = unescape( document.getElementById('xml').value );
Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
	$('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
      	view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
      	geoRSS: { 
         	xml: xmlString

STYLE - for changing the icon style 

The style property allows us to change the icon that is used for the markers. e.g.

Example - From v5.4.0
var newStyle = new OpenLayers.Style({
	'externalGraphic': '/images/marker-blue.png',
   	'graphicHeight': 25,
   	'graphicWidth': 21,
   	'graphicXOffset': -10.5,
   	'graphicYOffset': -12.5
liteMap.createMap('atMap', {
        mapSource: 'Workshop/AllMaps',
        layers: 'Primary Schools,Secondary Schools',
        view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000}
        geoRSS: {
            url: '',
            style: 'newStyle'
Example - Prior to v5.4.0
var newStyle = new OpenLayers.Style({
	'externalGraphic': '/images/marker-blue.png',
  	'graphicHeight': 25,
   	'graphicWidth': 21,
   	'graphicXOffset': -10.5,
   	'graphicYOffset': -12.5
Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
	$('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
   		view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
   		geoRSS: { 
         	url: '',
         	style: 'newStyle'

This would produce a map something like this:

POPUPSIZE - for changing the Pop-up Size

You may wish to set the pop-up to a specific size, and if so, you can add the popupSize parameter e.g.

Example - From v5.4.0
liteMap.createMap('atMap', {
        mapSource: 'Workshop/AllMaps',
        layers: 'Primary Schools,Secondary Schools',
        view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
        geoRSS: {
            url: '',
            popupSize: { w: 250, h: 200 }
Example - Prior to v5.4.0
Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
	$('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
   		view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
   		geoRSS: { 
         	url: '',
         	popupSize: new OpenLayers.Size(250, 200)

This will change the popup to be something like this:

POPUPTYPE - for changing the Pop-up Type 

There are different types of pop-ups that can be used other than the standard one. These are detailed in the OpenLayers documentation. To set a different pop-up type (FramedCloud), you can set the popupType parameter.

Example - From v5.4.0
liteMap.createMap('atMap', {
        mapSource: 'Workshop/AllMaps',
        layers: 'Primary Schools,Secondary Schools',
        view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
        geoRSS: {
            url: ''
            popupType: 'anchored',
Example - Prior to v5.4.0
Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
	$('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
   		view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
   		geoRSS: { 
         	url: '',
         	popupType: OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored

This will produce a map like this:

CUSTOMPOPUP - for defining a Custom Pop-up

If you need to create a custom pop-up, you can include any HTML required in the Description field and set the customPopup parameter to true. When you enable the custom pop-up, you can also include these tags in the HTML source and they will be automatically replaced with the relevant fields: {title} {link}

Example - From v5.4.0
liteMap.createMap('atMap', {
        mapSource: 'Workshop/AllMaps',
        layers: 'Primary Schools,Secondary Schools',
        view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
        geoRSS: {
            url: '',
            customPopup: true
Example - Prior to v5.4.0
Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
	$('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
   		view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
   		geoRSS: { 
         	url: '',
         	customPopup: true

E.g. if your description contains the following HTML:

<h2><a href=”{astun:link}”>{astun:title}</a></h2><hr><p>This is the description</p>

You would end up with something like this in the popup:

<h2><a href=”page.html”>This is the title</a></h2><hr><p>This is the description</p>