Version 5.2.4

Version No5.2.4
Release Date 
About this ReleasePatch release with fixes
Modules affected

iShare GIS, My Alerts, Logger, Studio, Web Services


  • Added some validation checks to stop an unhandled exception when saving in Studio.
  • Fixed issue where, in some rare circumstances, a BaseMap could be set as the currently loaded overlay MapSource and causes  problems with Thematic Legends. Note: This could only happen if it contained layers in its definition. This can't be added by Studio so could only be in cases where the BaseMap MapSource had been copied from an overlay MapSource).
  • Logger enhancements and fixes:
    • Added new Logger Page Load options:
    • reportOnDblClickScale to make double clicks behave like a single click when zoomed in to a scale that allows the user to add a case.
    • selectNearestAsset to automatically select the nearest asset when multiple are returned following a map click.
    • Added ability to define a Data Share Lookup to allow additional details to be displayed for a Logger case potentially from a back office system. Note: Until v5.4 this cannot be done via Studio so please speak to your Astun Consultant. Please see the topic Displaying extra information for a Logger case for details.
    • Added Logger functionality to define custom content in an info popup. See Customise Logger Popup Content for details.
    • Improved handling of click events on a Logger map.
    • Avoid a click on the Popup close button falling through to the map.
  • iShare GIS fixes:
    • Fix for issue where the Legend Titles for Thematic Point layers would sometimes become corrupted due to an issue with the creation of the SLD document.
    • When printing to PDF, the legend for the first layer would get repeated for subsequent layers due to incorrect parameters being stored in the layer request cache.
  • Symphony Address Lookup fixes:
    • Improve handling of NULL values in PAON fields - should no longer lead to missing house numbers in the Name field.
    • Fix for some situations where address lookup builds would fail where PAON start number fields were imported as numbers.
  • The MyAlerts WebService URL has been removed from MyAlerts configuration pane as this is actually configured in the iShare Settings on the Master Settings tab.