Version 5.2.12

Version No5.2.12
Release Date 
About this ReleasePatch release with minor enhancements and fixes
Modules affected

iShare GIS, iShare Maps, My Alerts, Publisher, Studio, Web Services

iShare GIS

  • IE 10 should now receive styling in PDF Print Preview in iShare GIS.
  • Fixed Settings button in Print to PDF which wasn't working.
  • Fixed issue where after using a Thematics configuration dialog and then switching Profiles, the Find dialog could be emptied.

iShare Maps

  • Fixed problem with visible on startup layers disappearing on reload or when changing address. There is a similar issue when

    {{<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" />}}
    is set in the *web.config* file for the Web application. This means that cookies set by the ASP.NET Web application are not able to be read by Javascript. This is not something that can be resolved by iShare, the only solution is to change the setting to "false".

  • In My Nearest there is now no unneeded colon when first field has no display name. There is always a colon when there is a display name.
  • MapPixelTolerance setting now works and has been moved to Web settings.
  • Fix for 'squashed' base mapping images. This issue was due to a change in OpenLayers and would be triggered by third-party CSS (e.g. that in Bootstrap) setting the maximum width for image elements.


  • Studio no longer saves the Astun.iShareMaps.Studio.Shell.exe.config file when exiting.
  • After renaming a MapSource's Layer through the context menu, the new name would seem to be applied to other layers subsequently clicked on.

My Alerts

  • MyAlerts now supports more than one Workspace - ideal for shared services.
  • Changed the "Send forgotten password" email text so that it uses languages and can be easily changed.



  • PostData requests no longer duplicate parameter values when passed through in querystring.

Web Services

  • Fix for problem where CSW requests were failing because ampersands were being stripped from the URL for requests to the CSW server.
  • Fixed issue where WMS and WFS GetCapabilities requests were returning 404 errors.
  • GetData will now look for an HTML/XML style comment at the beginning of the output from an XSL Transformation. If it's there and starts with 

     then the rest of the comment will be used to set the Content-Type header of the response.

    For example, in a custom version of the 

     file add 
    <xsl:comment>Content-Type: text/csv</xsl:comment>
    directly after 
    <xsl:template match="/">

Note that while this is now possible, it is not being done by default in our supplied XSLs to preserve expected behaviour. This may change in later versions. For now the recommended course of action, if this behaviour is needed, is to create a copy of an existing XSL, add the comment to the copy and to request this new XSL in GetData requests.