Enabling the HiDPI Print Plugin for iShare GIS


By default iShare GIS is configured to use the basic Print Plugin which uses WKHTMLTOPDF. In order to be able to use the HiDPI Output plugin your iShare GIS instance will need to have access to the Astun Technology Print to PDF Service.

If you wish iShare GIS to use HiDPI Print to PDF then, either your Astun Consultant will configure this for you or, If you want to configure this for yourself then you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Configure the PDF URL on the External Services tab of the iShare Settings to point to the Astun Technology Print to PDF Service.
  2. Edit the iShareGIS.xml (which resides in the WebApps\Web\plugins folder) and change the Output Plugin to be the OutputHiDPI Plugin instead.


iShare GIS is supplied with some default HiDPI Print Templates which you will find in the WebApps\WebService\print\templates folder but you may create your own. Please see Creating your own HiDPI Print Template for details.

Using an A1 Print Template

If you wish to print using an A1 Print Template, then you will need to add / edit the MAXSIZE parameter in the MapServer MAP Object, in each MyMaps Map Source (.MAP) file that you wish to print to A1 from. This needs to be set to 16384 for printing to A1 successfully.