INSPIRE metadata workflow

INSPIRE metadata workflow


This workflow describes the GetINSPIREd Cloud Service Client process. This workflow will allow the client to publish their data through data.gov.uk and have it validated through the INSPIRE programme.

  • Do you have existing metadata? If you have existing metadata to transfer to the Metadata Catalog, discuss this with your Astun Consultant who will advise on the best approach for transferring and converting the metadata to Gemini 2.3

  • Are you starting from scratch? If you don't have any existing metadata, discuss with your Astun Consultant the approaches that are available to you for creating new metadata.

In both cases, your Astun Consultant will create a Metadata Portal for you, provide details on how to access it, and how to create a user account. This will either be pre-populated for you with your existing metadata, or you can create new records from scratch using these instructions.


All records, whether newly created or transferred from elsewhere, must be validated in GeoNetwork before they can be published to data.gov.uk. See Create a UK Gemini 2.3 compliant Metadata Record in GeoNetwork | CreateaUKGemini2.3compliantMetadataRecordinGeoNetwork 6.Validatearecord for details.

Note that records created in earlier versions of the Gemini metadata standard are likely to need further editing to meet the new standard, due to additional validation requirements.

Registering with data.gov.uk

You will need to register your authority as a publisher with data.gov.uk. Once you're registered, let Astun know, and we will then request to become an editor for your authority at data.gov.uk. This will give us the ability to organise harvesting on your behalf. This process can take some time but fortunately, it is independent of validating the metadata in GeoNetwork, so should be started as soon as possible.

Data.gov.uk harvesting

Astun will configure a data.gov.uk harvesting node that points at the CSW INSPIRE endpoint for your metadata catalogue and will run through the harvest for you to ensure there are no additional errors. If there are, Astun will work with you to resolve them and redo the harvest. Once records are being harvested correctly, Astun can either set up the harvesting job to run as a scheduled task, or it can be run manually. In either case, you should then be able to look after the process of harvesting yourselves.



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