Create a Data Share Database
Create a Data Share Database
Now PostGreSQL and PostGIS have been installed we need to create the Data Share database. This is done using PGAdmin III.
- Select Start>Programs>PostgreSQL 9.0>PGAdminIII
- Double click on the PostgreSQL Database Server to connect
- Enter the password for the postgres user that you entered when you installed PostgreSQL and click OK.
- Right click on Login Roles and select New Login Role
- On the Properties tab enter the following:
Role Name: iShareData
Password: isharedata
- Click on the Role Privileges tab.
- Check the Superuser checkbox which will automatically select the Can modify catalogue directly entry.
- Click OK
- Right click on Databases and select New Database
- Enter the following:
Name: iShareData_XXX where XXX = Customer short name, e.g. iShareData_CCC
Owner: iShareData
Encoding: UTF-8
Tablespace: pg_default
- Click OK
Now the database has been created, we need to run AstunPG Installer in order to install the specific Astun functions and tables.
, multiple selections available,