iShare GIS Roles

iShare GIS Roles

iShare GIS may be used to display information that is sensitive or requires filtering from general use; for example: locations of domestic abuse crimes must not be widely available, detailed planning applications should only be available to those in the planning department. In order to ensure that only the correct people can view information via a MapSource, iShare has the concept of Roles. Roles are configured through Studio and assigned to MapSources & Layers as required.

For more details on Roles and how they work please see the topic Roles and User Authentication.

Before you can assign roles to a Map Source or Layer they must be added via the Roles Editor.

  • MapSource Roles - Only those users that are members of one or more of the roles in a MapSource will be permitted to query the data using that MapSource.
  • Layer Roles - Roles may also be applied to OGC Layers to allow for the Feature editing of these layers.