Configure My Alerts

Configure My Alerts

Configure My Alerts Settings

Your Astun consultant will normally have configured the main My Alerts but there are certain custom settings that you can configure such as the email settings.

Please see the "My Alerts Service [Email]" entries on the My Alerts Configuration Settings page.

Configure Layer Settings

For each layer that you wish to use for My Alerts, you will need to configure the My Alerts Rules at Classic Layer / Virtual Layer, Field and/or Data levels depending upon your requirements. 

There are two types of alerts:

  • Spatial Alerts- these are triggered by changes to a Classic Layer, such as nearby planning applications or information on when recycling bins are collected.
  • General Alerts- these are triggered by changes to a Virtual Layer, such as council jobs, or new events in the area. 

In order for General Alerts to be activated the Virtual Layer must be in a Virtual Layer Group e.g.

Create your My Alerts Email Template

You will also need to create an email template for My Alerts. Astun provide a sample page for you to copy to create your own template. Please see Setting up your My Alerts Email Template for details.

Settings Configured by Astun Consultants

Enable the My Alerts node in Studio

In order for the My Alerts node to display in iShare Studio the following keys need to be added to the <modules> section in the Astun.iShareMaps.Studio.Shell.exe.config:-

The number after the m in each key needs to follow on from the previous group.

      <add key="m4path" value="Astun.MyAlerts.Studio.dll" />
      <add key="m4type" value="Astun.MyAlerts.Studio.StudioMain" />
      <add key="m4name" value="MyAlerts" />

Configure My Alerts Master Settings

Now you need to configure the My Alerts Studio Settings to enable the My Alerts module and Service. You will find this on the Master Settings tab the iShare Settings e.g.

Once the above settings have been configured you will see a My Alerts node in Studio.

Make sure that you enter the DefaultURL and the URL for the TransactionUserManager and Users My Alerts Web Services.

The DefaultURL is used for the "show on maps" links in MyAlerts email.

Click OK to update your changes. Click on the Save icon in Studio to save your changes and close Studio.

Configure My Alerts DSN

Once My Alerts has been enabled you should see the My Alerts node at the bottom tree in Studio. Select this node and, once  you have Signed in, you will be able to configure other My Alerts settings such as the DSN which points to the My Alerts database.

Click on the Edit button to enable editing and then once you have finished click Save to update the MyAlerts configuration details.


To configure the DSN click on the ... to open the Data Link Properties.

On the Provider tab select the PostgreSQL OLD DB Provider entry from the list.

On the Connection tab  and enter the following:

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