Run the DeleteFiles Powershell Script

Run the DeleteFiles Powershell Script



The DeleteFiles Powershell script is a utility script which lives in the Astun\Tools\Powershell directory which can be used through a Workflow Task to clear out directories that can fill up with temporary files over time. This script may also be run from the Command Line.

From the Command Line

.\DeleteFiles -path pathToDirectory -filespec fileTypeToDelete [-age ageToDelete] [-recurse searchChildDirectories] [-ignore listOfFilesToIgnore] [-commit performDeletions]

From Workflow

Create a Program Workflow Task 


Enter a unique name for your task. It is advisable to call this something relevant as this name will be used to populate list box selections when creating Jobs e.g. Delete Temporary SLD Files.


Use the browse button to select the powershell.exe program from the Windows folder e.g. c:\windows\syswow64\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe

Additional Parameters

Here you need to enter the following details:

-ExecutionPolicy Bypass d:\astun\Tools\Powershell\DeleteFiles.ps1 -path d:\astun\isharemap\webservice\sld\ -filespec *.xml -age 1 -commit $true


DeleteFile Parameters

-pathMandatoryThe fully qualified path to the directory that you want to clear.-path d:\astun\isharemap\webservice\sld\


MandatoryThe wildcard specifying the type of file you want deleted.-filespec *.xml
-ageDefaults to 24Delete files over this many hours old, 0 will delete all files.-age 1
-recurseDefaults to $falseAlso delete files from all child directories.-recurse $true
-ignoreDefaults to ""Comma-separated list of files to ignore.-ignore "test.xml,donotdelete.xml"
-commitDefaults to $falseOnly deletes any files if this is set to $true, which is useful for testing.-commit $true