Version 5.0.4

Version No5.0.4
Release Date
About this ReleasePatch release with minor enhancements and fixes
Modules affected

iShare GIS, iShare Maps, Studio


  • Added the ability to apply a filter to address searches. A function can be added to the Address Search to test any input and make sure it matches a given requirement in order for the search to be performed.
  • Multiple WMS source URIs can be specified in a Base map by separating them with the | (pipe) symbol.  This means our interactive maps will request images from all the sources at once, leading to a faster loading map. This is specified in the URI under the Details node for the relevant BaseMap. E.g.

In the above screenshot the URI as follows and the pipes have been highlighted in red:|||


  • The Find button should be disabled when an invalid search string is entered.
  • iShare GIS - Fixed problem where “Anonymous” access to the GIS page meant plugins (e.g. buttons along the top bar) didn't load.