Symology Insight

Symology Insight

System CategoryTransport

PostGIS & Web Service integration

Available since


Symology is the UK's leading provider of integrated Highway Asset Management and Street Works Management solutions.


In the Insight PostGIS database the first step is to create a new View that merges and processes the data. The data processing is required to fit the different asset data into the same set of fields and to homogenise the geometry types.

MapServer can only handle one data type per layer so we work around this by buffering all LINE and POINT data to create very thin and/or small polygons.

The example below is for a Bridges dataset ('BRIG') which requires both Bridges and National Street Gazetteer [NSG] data (in the event that a bridge exists but is not present in the NSG data).

In order to configure Logger to connect with Insight you will need to do the following: