Styling iShare Popups
Styling iShare Popups
The display name for a layer is included in the popup HTML as an H3 element. The display name is also used to create a popup-Display-Name class in the element that wraps the layer HTML.
E.g. a layer with display name Primary Schools would produce HTML similar to:
Example HTML
<div class="contentDisplay popup-Primary-Schools"> <h3>Primary Schools</h3> <div class="infoResult"> <p><strong><a href="http://link.to.schoola/" target="_top" title="Click here to go to the related web page">Primary School A</a></strong></p> <p> <strong>Admissions:</strong>Junior And Infants (4-11yrs) </p> <p> <strong>School Type:</strong>Community </p> </div> <div class="infoResult atLastResult"> <p><strong><a href="http://link.to.schoolb/" target="_top" title="Click here to go to the related web page">Primary School B</a></strong></p> <p><strong>Admissions:</strong>Junior And Infants (4-11yrs)</p> <p><strong>School Type:</strong>Voluntary Aided </p> </div> </div>
The new code can be targeted in CSS like this:
Example CSS
#atMyMaps .atPopupFeatureInfo h3 { /* general rule for layer titles */ } #atMyMaps .atPopupFeatureInfo popup-Primary-Schools { /* rule for primary school HTML */ } #atMyMaps .atPopupFeatureInfo popup-Primary-Schools h3 { /* rule for primary school title */ }