This is where you may enter an Abstract to populate the ows_abstract and a list of Keywords to populate the ows_keyword_list and an Abstract to populate the ows_abstract in the .MAP file.
Simply type the wording in the box provided.
Enter a Keyword and then click on the green plus to add it to the list. Repeat with any other Keyword. You can remove a Keyword from the list by first selecting it and then clicking the red cross or re-order the list by selecting a keyword and then using the up and down arrows accordingly.
Simply type the wording in the box provided.
When you are happy click OK or click Cancel to return without updating the metadata for the Layer.
Click Save to save your changes. Before you can see your changes in the auto generated .map file you need to open iShare Maps or iShare GIS to update it.
Now if you look a at the auto generated .map file you will see your entries e.g.