iShare Studio

iShare Studio

iShare Studio is at the heart of every iShare solution. It facilitates the creation of a spatial data warehouse combining basemap data, corporate spatial data records and data managed within other systems including back office systems, databases, spreadsheets and file systems. Essentially iShare Studio is the Administration console for iShare.

The Studio module is installed by default with all iShare deployments. It is used to configure anything from map and data sources, to workflows and tile caches.

Studio controls the following:

Studio is user friendly, enabling customers to take control of their own iShare deployments with minimal training and support. It falls in line with Astun’s policy to make iShare easy to set up, manage and maintain.

iShare Studio allows you to entirely configure your iShare instance(s). Normally you would have both a TEST and LIVE instance. When you wish to promote your configuration from TEST to LIVE this MUST be done using Studio by replicating, on your LIVE instance, the steps you made on your TEST instance.

You should NOT manually edit the underlying iShare xml configuration files as this can cause iShare and Studio to stop working. If you choose to manually edit these configuration files (i.e. not through Studio) any issues arising from this will be treated as site specific issues i.e. chargeable. (At least make a backup before you make any changes.)

To start the iShare Studio either click on the shortcut for iShare Studio on the desktop or double click on the Astun.iShareMaps.Studio.Shell.exe application in the installation folder [D:\Astun\n.n\Studio where n.n is the version number].

In order for a user to run Studio they must be a member of the iShareAdmin group.

From v5.6.10 Studio will check when starting up to make sure it can write to all of it's configuration files, rather than refusing to save after you have made your changes.

From version 5.2.6 - You can't have two instances of Studio running at the same time on the server pointing to the same iShare deployment i.e. you can have one open for iShare and another for iShare GIS; just not two for say iShare. If a user tries to run Studio when there is an existing instance running they will see the following message:

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