LiteMap is a lightweight iShare map that has been designed to be able to be integrated directly into other web applications.
To successfully integrate a LiteMap in a web application or to build a standalone LiteMap you need to include the LiteMap’s JavaScript and CSS files in your HTML page via Astun Services. The files you need to point to are the following:
Also, additional configuration is needed based on LiteMap ol-ishare module.ol-iShare is a Software Development Toolkit (SDK) including a JavaScript library and API. The SDK is designed for developers to easily embed GeoSpatial functionality into web pages and web forms.
With this in mind we have created ol-iShare developer documentation including code snippets, live examples and tutorials.
The introduction of ol-iShare brings a new way to generate your LiteMap and the LiteMap Tutorial shows you how to do this. Using ol-iShare to generate your LiteMap not only gives you a basic map but also the following capabilities which may be found in the LiteMap Examples:
Basic usage - specifying a Profile (iShare MapSource), Layers & initial view
Centring on a Device - using the location reported by the browser
Centring on a Feature (using WFS) - return a single feature to centre the map
Get Layer data - fetch Layer data using map settings.
Visually highlight a Polygon - zoom to the extents of a polygon
Filtering a WMS Layer - to show a single feature based on a filter
Filtering a WMS Layer on datetime - shows how to filter a WMS Layer to only show roadworks that start today
History navigation - uses the HistoryNavigation control to move the map between previous locations
Remember map state - automatically keeps a track of changes to the map
Permalink - basic permalink demonstration
Custom Info Template - customising the content shown in the Info popup
Query string parameters - specifying the list of layers to load and initial view via the query string
3rd Party components - adding a 3rd party Layer control, gazetteer search & displaying a thematic layer
Clustering Points - demonstrating clusters which are circles displaying the number of features they represent
Info on hover - display a tooltip on hover
Layer switcher - including a layer switcher control and per-layer legend graphics
OS Maps API base map - adding a WMTS OS Maps API base map
Gazetteer control - adding an autocomplete search control
Display marker - display a marker with a custom icon
Measure length - using Measure interaction to measure a single distance
Measure area - using Measure to measure areas
Layer opacity - setting a data layer’s opacity
Non-iShare Layers - shows what happens to non-iShare Layers