Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Astun have set up a National Address Search web service, which is based on the standard Address Search Request used by iShare.  The National Address Search service has been populated with national coverage of AddressBase® Premium data.  At present it is provided on a beta service

This service is hosted by an EC2 Instance using an iShareData Astun database as a Data Share and an osdata database as the source. The data is then scheduled to refresh at a chosen day and time.


Customers will be provided with a dedicated endpoint which allows Astun to manage and track access via an API Gateway:

The endpoint will be configured with basic authentication based on those used in the iShare GIS Print to PDF and WPS service requests.


Requests are made in the following form (for example searching on the postcode NW1 6XE)


Performing this request will return JSON formatted results with all the first N addresses contained within that postcode (N being the pagesize, in this case 10).

Code Block
        "name": "tempLocSearch",
        "columns": [
       "bs7666			"bs7666_street_description", 
       "local_custodian			"bs7666_primary_classification_description", 
    "data": [ 
        [ "10033529251", "8401123", "Bay Oil Supply Co Ltd, Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527845", "182149", "15%", "Bay Oil Supply Co Ltd, Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "", "", "", "", "", "BAY OIL SUPPLY CO LTD", "", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "BAY OIL SUPPLY CO LTD", "5990", "City of Westminster" ] ,			"bs7666_secondary_classification_description", 
        "data": [
               [ "1003361996810033529251", "8401123", "Sweet & Liberty, 215Bay Oil Supply Co Ltd, Baker Street, London, NW1<b>NW1 6XE6XE</b>", "Property", "527870.4527845", "182081.17182149", "15%", "SweetBay & LibertyOil Supply Co Ltd, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET & LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "BAY OIL SUPPLY CO LTD", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215BAY OIL SUPPLY CO LTD", "5990Commercial", "City of Westminster" ] , 
        [ "10033619969C", "", "8401123", "219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "23%5990", "219City Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "219", "5990", "City of Westminster" ] ,Of Westminster"
               [ "1003361997110033619968", "8401123", "FlatSweet & 1Liberty, 219215 Baker Street, London, NW1<b>NW1 6XE6XE</b>", "Property", "527868527870.084", "182090182081.7817", "19%15%", "FlatSweet & 1Liberty, 219215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET & LIBERTY", "FLAT 1", "", "", "", "", "", "219215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 1", "219215", "5990Commercial", "City of Westminster" ] , 
        [ "10033619980C", "Retail", "8401123R", "FlatRestaurant 10, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE/ Cafeteria", "07", "", "Property", "527868.085990", "182090.78City Of Westminster"
                "10033619968", "19%8401123", "FlatSweet & 10Liberty, 219215 Baker Street, London, NW1<b>NW1 6XE6XE</b>", "100Property", "527870.4", "FLAT 10182081.17", "15%", "", "", "Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET & LIBERTY", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER", STREET"", "215", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLATBAKER 10STREET", "219", "5990LONDON", ""City, of"NW1 Westminster6XE", ] , 
        [ "10033619981"", "215", "8401123", "Flat 11", 219 Baker Street"", London"", NW1 6XE"", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "19%5990", "Flat 11, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100City Of Westminster"
                "10033619968", "8401123", "FLAT 11", "", "", "", "", "Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>", "Property", "219527870.4", "182081.17", "15%", "Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "BAKERSWEET & STREETLIBERTY", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 11", "219", "5990215", "City of Westminster" ] , 
        [ "10033619982", "8401123", "FlatBAKER 12STREET", 219 Baker Street"", "LONDON", London"", "NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08215", "182090.78Commercial", "19%C", "Flat 12, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XEStorage Land", "100S", "", "FLAT 12", "", "", "5990", "",City Of Westminster"", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 12", "219", "5990", "City of Westminster" ] ,
         [ "10033619983       "10033619969", "8401123", "Flat 13, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1<b>NW1 6XE6XE</b>", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "19%23%", "Flat 13, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 13", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 13", "219", "5990Parent Shell", "City of Westminster" ] P", 
        [ "10033619984"Property Shell", "8401123P", "Flat 14, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "19%5990", "Flat 14, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100City Of Westminster"
                "10033619971", "8401123", "FLATFlat 14", "", "", "1, 219 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>", "Property", "527868.08", "219182090.78", "19%", "",Flat ""1, "BAKER STREET"219 Baker Street, ""London, NW1 "LONDON6XE", "100", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 141", "219", "5990", "City of Westminster" ] , 
        [ "10033619985", "8401123", "Flat 15, 219 Baker Street219", London"", NW1 6XE"", "Property", "527868.08BAKER STREET", "182090.78", "19%LONDON", "Flat 15", 219 Baker Street, London, "NW1 6XE", "100FLAT 1", "219", "FLAT 15Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "219", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 15", "219", "5990", "City of Westminster" ]  [
   ],      "total": 111  }

Input Parameters

The following Parameters can be passed into the Search Requests:


Parameter Name










This is the number of results that you wish to return






This would be 1 the first time that you made a call and then, if the maximum number of results requested were returned you would then make another call with the same information only specifying a startnum = pagesize +1 etc.






The address that you wish to search for or a UPRN. In the above example we wish to return all addresses that contain NW1 6XE






false (default) or true : Whether to include the total number of results returned by the search, requests with totals will be significantly slower. When false, the search will still include the totals field, but with a value of 0 (zero).

Output Columns

The following columns are returned in the results








The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) from Address Base




The Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) from Address Base for the street the address is located on.




The formatted address string.  Display name includes a <b> HTML element to highlight the input search term.




The type of address.




The Easting in British National Grid coordinates



The Northing in British National Grid coordinates




The accuracy of the match.  The higher the higher the percentage match of output string to input string




The formatted address string.




A zoom level.  This can be ignored (as it is included for historic reasons) and for the national search which will always return 100.


BS7666 fields


Standard BS7666 fields are also returned with the results:

  • bs7666_organisation

  • bs7666_sao_text

  • bs7666_sao_start_number

  • bs7666_sao_start_suffix

  • bs7666_sao_end_number

  • bs7666_sao_end_suffix

  • bs7666_pao_text

  • bs7666_pao_start_number

  • bs7666_pao_start_suffix

  • bs7666_pao_end_number

  • bs7666_pao_end_suffix

  • bs7666_street_description

  • bs7666_locality

  • bs7666_town_name

  • bs7666_administrative_area

  • bs7666_postcode_locator

  • bs7666_saon

  • bs7666_paon

Other Examples

Using Postcode

The search algorithm is based on string matching, but with preference given to the postcode substring.  For best results, the full postcode should always be used where possible and known, in combination with another unique element of the address string.  As per the examples below


Search string


Data returned in JSON


215 NW1 6XE 


Code Block
"Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"NW1 6XE", 
"City of Westminster" 


Flat 10 NW1 6XE


Code Block
"Flat 10, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"Flat 10, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"FLAT 10", 
"NW1 6XE", 
"FLAT 10", 
"City of Westminster" 


Bay Oil NW1 6XE


Code Block
"Bay Oil Supply Co Ltd, Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"Bay Oil Supply Co Ltd, Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"NW1 6XE", 
"City of Westminster" 

NOTE: In the above examples, spaces are not necessary in the postcode, and searches with NW16XE will also work.  Results can become a bit more spurious with other spacing.  For example whilst "215 NW1 6XE" identifies the specific property, but "215 NW 16 XE" returns all properties in the postcode.

Without Postcode

Where postcode is not known or is only partially known the search engine will aim to identify the best fit possible, as per the examples below.

Search String

Data returned in JSON

219 Baker Street London

Code Block
"219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"NW1 6XE", 
] , [ 
"Flat 1, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"Flat 1, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", 
"FLAT 1", 
"NW1 6XE", 
"FLAT 1", 
"City of Westminster" 

Liberty Baker Street

Code Block
"Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE",
"Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE",
"NW1 6XE",
"City of Westminster"

Liberty NW1

Code Block[ "10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "26%", "Sweet & Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET & LIBERTY
    "10033619980", "8401123", "Flat 10, 219 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "19%", "Flat 10, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 10", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 10", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
                "10033619981", "8401123", "Flat 11, 219 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "19%", "Flat 11, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 11", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 11", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
                "10033619982", "8401123", "Flat 12, 219 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "19%", "Flat 12, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 12", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 12", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
                "10033619983", "8401123", "Flat 13, 219 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "19%", "Flat 13, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 13", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 13", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
        "total": 0        

Input Parameters

The following Parameters can be passed into the Search Requests:

Parameter Name





This is the number of results that you wish to return



This would be 1 the first time that you made a call and then, if the maximum number of results requested were returned you would then make another call with the same information only specifying a startnum = pagesize +1 etc.



The address that you wish to search for or a UPRN. In the above example we wish to return all addresses that contain NW1 6XE



false (default) or true : Whether to include the total number of results returned by the search, requests with totals will be significantly slower. When false, the search will still include the totals field, but with a value of 0 (zero).

Output Columns

The following columns are returned in the results




The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) from Address Base


The Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) from Address Base for the street the address is located on.


The formatted address string.  Display name includes a <b> HTML element to highlight the input search term.


The type of address.


The Easting in British National Grid coordinates

The Northing in British National Grid coordinates


The accuracy of the match.  The higher the higher the percentage match of output string to input string


The formatted address string.


A zoom level.  This can be ignored (as it is included for historic reasons) and for the national search which will always return 100.

BS7666 fields

Standard BS7666 fields are also returned with the results:

  • bs7666_organisation

  • bs7666_sao_text

  • bs7666_sao_start_number

  • bs7666_sao_start_suffix

  • bs7666_sao_end_number

  • bs7666_sao_end_suffix

  • bs7666_pao_text

  • bs7666_pao_start_number

  • bs7666_pao_start_suffix

  • bs7666_pao_end_number

  • bs7666_pao_end_suffix

  • bs7666_street_description

  • bs7666_locality

  • bs7666_town_name

  • bs7666_administrative_area

  • bs7666_postcode_locator

  • bs7666_saon

  • bs7666_paon

  • bs7666_primary_classification_description

  • bs7666_primary_classification_code

  • bs7666_secondary_classification_description

  • bs7666_secondary_classification_code

  • bs7666_tertiary_classification_description

  • bs7666_tertiary_classification_code

  • bs7666_quaternary_classification_description

  • bs7666_quaternary_classification_code

  • (non-bs7666) local_custodian_code

  • (non-bs7666) authority

Other Examples

Using Postcode

The search algorithm is based on string matching, but with preference given to the postcode substring.  For best results, the full postcode should always be used where possible and known, in combination with another unique element of the address string.  As per the examples below

Search string

Data returned in JSON

215 NW1 6XE 

Code Block
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &Liberty, <b>215</b>
Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>
", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "23%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "Commercial", "C", "Storage Land", "S", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &Liberty, <b>215</b>
Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>
", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "23%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &Liberty, <b>215</b>
Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>
", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "23%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "Commercial", "C", "Retail", "R", "Restaurant / Cafeteria", "07", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"

Flat 10 NW1 6XE

Code Block
"10033619980", "8401123", "<b>Flat 10</b>
, 219 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>
", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "38%", "Flat 10, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 10", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 10", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"

Bay Oil NW1 6XE

Code Block
"10033529251", "8401123", "<b>Bay Oil</b>
Supply Co Ltd, Baker Street, London, <b>NW1 6XE</b>
", "Property", "527845", "182149", "30%", "Bay Oil Supply Co Ltd, Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "", "", "", "", "", "BAY OIL SUPPLY CO LTD", "", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "BAY OIL SUPPLY CO LTD", "Commercial", "C", "", "", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"

NOTE: In the above examples, spaces are not necessary in the postcode, and searches with NW16XE will also work.  Results can become a bit more spurious with other spacing.  For example whilst "215 NW1 6XE" identifies the specific property, but "215 NW 16 XE" returns all properties in the postcode.

Without Postcode

Where postcode is not known or is only partially known the search engine will aim to identify the best fit possible, as per the examples below.

Search String

Data returned in JSON

219 Baker Street London

Code Block
"10033619969", "8401123", "<b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "77%", "219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "219", "Parent Shell", "P", "Property Shell", "P", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619971", "8401123", "Flat 1, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "65%", "Flat 1, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 1", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 1", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619980", "8401123", "Flat 10, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 10, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 10", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 10", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619981", "8401123", "Flat 11, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 11, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 11", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 11", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619982", "8401123", "Flat 12, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 12, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 12", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 12", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619983", "8401123", "Flat 13, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 13, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 13", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 13", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619984", "8401123", "Flat 14, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 14, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 14", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 14", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619985", "8401123", "Flat 15, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 15, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 15", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 15", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619986", "8401123", "Flat 16, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 16, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 16", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 16", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619987", "8401123", "Flat 17, <b>219 Baker Street, London</b>
, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527868.08", "182090.78", "63%", "Flat 17, 219 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "", "FLAT 17", "", "", "", "", "", "219", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "FLAT 17", "219", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"

Liberty Baker Street

Code Block
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &<b>Liberty</b>
, 215 <b>Baker Street</b>
, London, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "46%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "Commercial", "C", "Storage Land", "S", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &<b>Liberty</b>
, 215 <b>Baker Street</b>
, London, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "46%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &<b>Liberty</b>
, 215 <b>Baker Street</b>
, London, NW1 6XE", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "46%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "Commercial", "C", "Retail", "R", "Restaurant / Cafeteria", "07", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"

Liberty NW1

Code Block
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &<b>Liberty</b>
, 215 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1</b>
6XE", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "26%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "Commercial", "C", "Storage Land", "S", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &<b>Liberty</b>
, 215 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1</b>
6XE", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "26%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"
"10033619968", "8401123", "Sweet &<b>Liberty</b>
, 215 Baker Street, London, <b>NW1</b>
6XE", "Property", "527870.4", "182081.17", "26%", "Sweet &Liberty, 215 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE", "100", "SWEET &LIBERTY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "215", "", "", "", "BAKER STREET", "", "LONDON", "", "NW1 6XE", "", "215", "Commercial", "C", "Retail", "R", "Restaurant / Cafeteria", "07", "", "", "5990", "City Of Westminster"

There is however no further "intelligence" in the search matching.  For example if the search is done on Baker Road London (which does not exist), it would not consider Baker Street to be a better match, but would prefer addresses that included the word "Baker" and "Road" in the address string, as per the example below (which returns multiple other addresses).

Search String

Data returned in JSON

215 Baker Road London

Code Block
"5194314", "20400889", "Ted <b>Baker</b>
, Unit 13, Kings Cross Railway Station, Euston <b>Road, London</b>
, N1C 4QL", "Property", "530270", "183166", "25%", "Ted Baker, Unit 13, Kings Cross Railway Station, Euston Road, London, N1C 4QL", "100", "TED BAKER", "UNIT 13", "", "", "", "", "KINGS CROSS RAILWAY STATION", "", "", "", "", "EUSTON ROAD", "", "LONDON", "", "N1C 4QL", "UNIT 13", "KINGS CROSS RAILWAY STATION", "Commercial", "C", "Retail", "R", "Shop / Showroom", "08", "", "", "5210", "Camden"
"5194183", "20400889", "Ted <b>Baker</b>
, St Pancras International Station, Euston <b>Road, London</b>
, N1C 4QL", "Property", "530075", "183055", "25%", "Ted Baker, St Pancras International Station, Euston Road, London, N1C 4QL", "100", "", "TED BAKER", "", "", "", "", "ST PANCRAS INTERNATIONAL STATION", "", "", "", "", "EUSTON ROAD", "", "LONDON", "", "N1C 4QL", "TED BAKER", "ST PANCRAS INTERNATIONAL STATION", "Commercial", "C", "Retail", "R", "Shop / Showroom", "08", "", "", "5210", "Camden"
"100021184363", "21106894", "Flat A, Lloyd <b>Baker</b>
House, Great North <b>Road</b>
, Hornsey, <b>London</b>
, N6 4LX", "Property", "527786", "188657", "29%", "Flat A, Lloyd Baker House, Great North Road, Hornsey, London, N6 4LX", "100", "", "FLAT A", "", "", "", "", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "", "", "", "", "GREAT NORTH ROAD", "HORNSEY", "LONDON", "", "N6 4LX", "FLAT A", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5420", "London Borough Of Haringey"
"100021184364", "21106894", "Flat B, Lloyd <b>Baker</b>
House, Great North <b>Road</b>
, Hornsey, <b>London</b>
, N6 4LX", "Property", "527786", "188657", "29%", "Flat B, Lloyd Baker House, Great North Road, Hornsey, London, N6 4LX", "100", "", "FLAT B", "", "", "", "", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "", "", "", "", "GREAT NORTH ROAD", "HORNSEY", "LONDON", "", "N6 4LX", "FLAT B", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5420", "London Borough Of Haringey"
"100021184365", "21106894", "Flat C, Lloyd <b>Baker</b>
House, Great North <b>Road</b>
, Hornsey, <b>London</b>
, N6 4LX", "Property", "527786", "188657", "29%", "Flat C, Lloyd Baker House, Great North Road, Hornsey, London, N6 4LX", "100", "", "FLAT C", "", "", "", "", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "", "", "", "", "GREAT NORTH ROAD", "HORNSEY", "LONDON", "", "N6 4LX", "FLAT C", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5420", "London Borough Of Haringey"
"100021184366", "21106894", "Flat D, Lloyd <b>Baker</b>
House, Great North <b>Road</b>
, Hornsey, <b>London</b>
, N6 4LX", "Property", "527786", "188657", "29%", "Flat D, Lloyd Baker House, Great North Road, Hornsey, London, N6 4LX", "100", "", "FLAT D", "", "", "", "", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "", "", "", "", "GREAT NORTH ROAD", "HORNSEY", "LONDON", "", "N6 4LX", "FLAT D", "LLOYD BAKER HOUSE", "Residential", "R", "Dwelling", "D", "Self Contained Flat (Includes Maisonette / Apartment)", "06", "", "", "5420", "London Borough Of Haringey"
"10091100016", "21400303", "Ted <b>Baker</b>
, Terminal 3 Departures Level, Canberra <b>Road, London</b>
Heathrow Airport, Heathrow, TW6 1QG", "Property", "507163", "175719", "19%", "Ted Baker, Terminal 3 Departures Level, Canberra Road, London Heathrow Airport, Heathrow, TW6 1QG", "100", "", "TED BAKER", "", "", "", "", "TERMINAL 3 DEPARTURES LEVEL", "", "", "", "", "CANBERRA ROAD", "LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT", "HEATHROW", "", "TW6 1QG", "TED BAKER", "TERMINAL 3 DEPARTURES LEVEL", "Commercial", "C", "Retail", "R", "Shop / Showroom", "08", "", "", "5510", "Hillingdon"
"10091099711", "21400541", "Ted <b>Baker</b>
, Terminal 1 Departures Level, Croydon <b>Road, London</b>
Heathrow Airport, Heathrow, TW6 1AP", "Property", "507697.52", "175954.78", "19%", "Ted Baker, Terminal 1 Departures Level, Croydon Road, London Heathrow Airport, Heathrow, TW6 1AP", "100", "", "TED BAKER", "", "", "", "", "TERMINAL 1 DEPARTURES LEVEL", "", "", "", "", "CROYDON ROAD", "LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT", "HEATHROW", "", "TW6 1AP", "TED BAKER", "TERMINAL 1 DEPARTURES LEVEL", "Commercial", "C", "Retail", "R", "Shop / Showroom", "08", "", "", "5510", "Hillingdon"
"10091100247", "21401883", "Ted <b>Baker</b>
, Terminal 4 Victor Pier, Stratford <b>Road, London</b>
Heathrow Airport, Heathrow, TW6 3EX", "Property", "508070.38", "174735.69", "20%", "Ted Baker, Terminal 4 Victor Pier, Stratford Road, London Heathrow Airport, Heathrow, TW6 3EX", "100", "", "TED BAKER", "", "", "", "", "TERMINAL 4 VICTOR PIER", "", "", "", "", "STRATFORD ROAD", "LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT", "
HEATHROW", "", "TW6 3EX", "TED BAKER", "
TERMINAL 4 VICTOR PIER", "Commercial", "
C", "Retail", "
R", "Shop / Showroom", "
08", "
"City of Westminster"

There is however no further "intelligence" in the search matching.  For example if the search is done on Baker Road London (which does not exist), it would not consider Baker Street to be a better match, but would prefer addresses that included the word "Baker" and "Road" in the address string, as per the example below (which returns multiple other addresses).

Search String

Data returned in JSON

215 Baker Road London

Code Block[ "5194314", "20400889", "Ted Baker, Unit 13, Kings Cross Railway Station, Euston Road, London, N1C 4QL
"", "5510", "Hillingdon"
"10090332315", "21402975", "<b>Baker</b>
, Commercial Unit Agl40, Terminal 5 A-Gate Level, Wellington <b>Road, London</b>
Heathrow Airport, Heathrow", "Property", "
505126", "
175830", "
17%", "Ted Baker, Commercial Unit 
Wellington Road, London Heathrow Airport, Heathrow, 
 AGL40", "", "", "", "", "TERMINAL 5 A-GATE LEVEL", "", "", "", "", "WELLINGTON ROAD", "
C", "Retail", "
R", "Shop / Showroom", "
08", "
", "
", "
5510", "
... etc

Integration and  IP Whitelisting


The Council is responsible for ensuring that any contractors are fully compliant with OS Licensing arrangements for AddressBase Premium and legal obligations from those licence arrangements.  The service should only be used for Council specific work, and not for any other address searches by the contractors with whom the Council are engaged.

Future enhancements

Over the course of the beta period Astun may wish to introduce:


An upper limit to the pagesize of inbound requests;


Additional request monitoring tools;
