We need to make the Address Lookup tables mappable. To do this you will need to add another Task entry. In the tree, right click on the Build My Addresses from AddressBase Job you have just created and select New Task.
Select the Stored Procedure type and click OK.
Enter a name for the task e.g. Make AstunLocationLookup mappable.
Connection Details
Select the iShare database from the list. Then select the Workflow radio button as this will limit the list of available Functions and then select the at_wkf_executecmd entry from the list.
Select the Parameter No 1. in the list and paste the following into the Edit parameter 'cmdtoexecute' box.
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS all_geom_idx; CREATE INDEX all_geom_idx ON public."AstunLocationLookup" USING gist (wkb_geometry); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.vw_addressbase AS SELECT "UniqueId" as uniqueid,wkb_geometry, "Name" as address, "Postcode" as postcode, "X" as x, "Y" as y FROM "AstunLocationLookup";
Run the Task to make the Address Lookups mappable
Now we need to run the task to make the Address Lookups mappable to test that it works correctly.
Right click on the Task and select Run Make AstunLocationLookup mappable [or whatever you called the task]. Depending upon the size of your AddressBase database this may take a little while.