AddressBase Premium GML Importer

AddressBase Premium GML Importer

System CategoryAddressing

OS Address data

Available since


The AddressBase Premium GML Importer allows for the importing of Addressbase Premium, EPOCH 39 or greater, data files from Ordnance Survey, in GML format, into PostgreSQL. This data can then be used for the Address Lookup in iShare.

The process is outlined in the diagram below:


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 2.7 (installed when you select to install Python in the Astun 3rd Party Installer) 
  • psycopg2  - database adapter for Python (installed when you select to install FeatureServer in the Astun 3rd Party Installer)

The Import Process

In order to import your AddressBase Premium GML data into PostgreSQL you will need to do the following:

  • Download & Configure Loader and AddressBase Premium Importer files
  • Create a PostGIS database for AddressBase
  • Create the Studio Workflow Job and Tasks required to Import and process the data

For a complete list of the Steps required please see the topic AddressBase Premium Importer Installation & Configuration.

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