
Data Import


MS SQL Server

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You have data in tables in an MS SQL Server database and want to use iShare Studio Workflow to import this data into your PostgreSQL database.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Refer to Workflow MS SQL Server Configuration if you haven’t already configured iShare to use an MS SQL Server connection.

  2. Create a new Workflow Spatial Data Transformation Task and select the Connection that relates to your MS SQL Server database.

  3. Select the Output Database and Table as required.

  4. The Source Data Table drop down isn’t populated so click on Show expert mode and use the following parameter in the Additional parameters field replacing “yourtablename” with the name of the table you wish to import data from.

-sql "SELECT * From dbo.yourtablename"

If you are getting errors when you run the task it is worth checking which version of OGR you are on and updating to the latest.