Including a GeoRSS Feed in iShare Solo - pre v5.4.0

As with iShare Lite, iShare Solo may be configured to display information from a GeoRSS feed. When you include a GeoRSS feed in the constructor for the map, it will fetch the data, add the points to the map, then zoom so that the map displays all of the data. Available from v5.2.6.

Adding the GeoRSS object

This needs to be included in the pageLoad function for a Solo Map. The Example geoRSS Snippet below has been extracted from the Full pageLoad Example following.

Example GeoRSS Snippet = new Astun.JS.Map(
   geoRSS: { 
         url: 'georssurl.rss'
         style: newStyle
         popupSize: new OpenLayers.Size(250, 200)
         popupType: OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored
         customPopup: true
Full pageLoade Example
function pageLoad() {
   var mapDiv = $( 'atMap' );
   $mapDiv = jQuery('#';
    var loader = {};
loader.mapID = 'atMap';
   Event.observe( mapDiv, 'astun:sourceLoad', function(evt){ = evt;
      var panels = 
               cssClass   : 'atPanelFindNearest',
               title      : 'Find Nearest',
               pluginName   : 'findnearest',
               pluginData   : evt,
               pluginOpts   : {collapseInStart:true}
               cssClass   : 'atPanelSearchFor',
               title      : 'Search For',
               pluginName   : 'searchfor',
               pluginData   : evt,
               pluginOpts   : {collapseInStart:true}
               cssClass   : 'atPanelSearch',
               title      : 'Find Address',
               pluginName   : 'addresssearch',
               pluginData   : evt,
               pluginOpts   : {collapseInStart:true},
               cssClass   : 'atShowmapCategories',
               title      : 'Show Map Categories',
               pluginName   : 'showmapcategories',
               pluginData   : evt,
               pluginOpts   : {}
               cssClass   : 'atTakeMeTo',
               title      : 'Take Me To',
               pluginName   : 'takemeto',
               pluginData   : evt,
               pluginOpts   : {collapseInStart:true}
         //Options to pass to the function
         options = {
                  panelWrapperTopPosition   :2,
                  attachPanelWrapperTo   :'#' 
   }); = new Astun.JS.Map(
   geoRSS: { 
         url: 'georssurl.rss'
style: newStyle
popupSize: new OpenLayers.Size(250, 200)
popupType: OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored
customPopup: true
   window.astun.mapWrapper =;
   mapDiv.mapSettings = Astun.JS.getConfiguration();
   mapDiv.addressFinder = new Astun.JS.GetData.AddressFinder(, mapDiv.mapSettings.dataUrl );

GeoRSS Parameters

Please see the topic GeoRSS Parameters for details on how you may configure the geoRSS object .