Configure ADS Base Mapping for iShare

For iShare GIS and iShare Maps users on versions prior 5.4.0 please raise a ticket via the customer Support Portal and we will provide a Map Source definition to get you up and running with the base maps.

If you are on iShare 5.4.0 or above then you can simply Create a New BaseMap Map Source (copying an existing ADS Map Source) and make sure to use the correct layer name for the type of ADS BaseMap you wish to use e.g.

Type of ADS BaseMapLayer Name
OS Premium Vectorospremium
OS Premium Vector Greyospremiumbw
OS Premium Rasterospremraster 
OS Premium Raster Greyospremrasterbw
OS Open Vectorosopen
OS Open Vector Greyosopenbw
OS Open Rasterosopenraster
OS Open Raster Greyosopenrasterbw
Blank BaseMapBlank
Surrey Aerial Photographyaerial2006
Colonel Mudge 1819 surveymudge1819
John Rocque 1767 surveyrocque1767

To change the background colour of the Blank base please refer to Change the ADS Blank BaseMap Colour

 If you require any assistance with setting up any base mapping then please contact one of the team or raise a support ticket via the customer Support Portal.