Edit the loader.config file in d:\astun\tools\loader-addressbase\python to use the AddressBase Import.
These instructions are based on having iShare on the d: drive, it may be necessary to use a different folder structure depending upon your environment.
# Use the OS AddressBase Premium preparation logic prep_cmd=python prepgml4ogr.py $file_path prep_osgml.prep_addressbase_premium # OS AddressBase Premium gfs file to specify appropriate schema for the data gfs_file=../gfs/addressbase_premium.gfs
- Point Loader to the Source, Output and Tmp folders created in Step 2. e.g.
src_dir = d:\\astun\\tools\\loader-addressbase\\source out_dir = d:\\astun\\tools\\loader-addressbase\\output tmp_dir = d:\\astun\\tools\\loader-addressbase\\tmp
- Update the ogr_cmd in the loader.config file so that the postgres credentials map to those of the addressbase database.
ogr_cmd = ogr2ogr - - config GML_EXPOSE_FID NO - append - skipfailures - f PostgreSQL PG: 'dbname=addressbase active_schema=addressbase_temp host=localhost user=[YOUR USERNAME] password=[YOUR_PASSWORD]' $file_path |