The maps are provided from the OS via Web Mapping Tile Services (WMTS) from https://api.os.uk. To use these services a key must be generated. Follow the guidance here from the Ordnance Survey.
iShare v6 uses MapProxy to cache requests to the OS WMTS. Configuration of MapProxy is done by editing the mapproxy.yaml
configuration file.
Save the following as “E:\iShareData\LIVE\_MapServerConfig\base_osmapapi.map” if creating base maps for iShare LIVE or “E:\iShareData\TEST\_MapServerConfig\base_osmapapi.map” if creating base maps for iShare TEST. You will notice the .map file has no layer definitions. It is only used to select the base map’s projection.
Code Block |
MAP NAME "OS MAP API" CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "D:\mapserver\shared\proj\nad" CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "logs/live_base_osmapapi_debug.log" PROJECTION "init=epsg:27700" END TEMPLATEPATTERN "." MAXSIZE 8192 SIZE 512 512 EXTENT 0 0 700000 1300000 IMAGECOLOR 238 238 237 DEBUG 5 FONTSET "D:/mapserver/shared/fonts/fonts.list" SYMBOLSET "D:/mapserver/shared/symbols/symbolsms6.sym" SHAPEPATH "../" IMAGETYPE "png" OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "png" DRIVER "AGG/PNG" IMAGEMODE RGB MIMETYPE "image/png" EXTENSION "png" TRANSPARENT FALSE FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF" FORMATOPTION "QUANTIZE_FORCE=ON" END UNITS METERS RESOLUTION 72 WEB METADATA "ows_title" "OS MAPS API" "author" "Astun Technology" "ows_enable_request" "*" "ows_srs" "EPSG:27700" ## Recommended "ows_abstract" "OS MAPS API Demonstration" "wms_srs" "epsg:27700" END IMAGEPATH "D:/mapserver/tmp/" TEMPPATH "D:/mapserver/tmp/" IMAGEURL "" TEMPLATE "globexml.xml" END END |
Base Maps in Studio
Create a new base map in Studio under Map Sources > BaseMaps.