Adding the GeoRSS object

When you load the Map, you can pass in some parameters, so we’ve added the ability to also pass in a GeoRSS object with certain properties to control how they display.

The new constructor for loading a Lite map is as follows; for a Solo map please see Including a GeoRSS Feed in iShare Solo - pre v5.4.0:

Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite',function() {
   $('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap',{
   view:{easting:495553, northing:175654, zoom:2000},
   geoRSS: { 
        url: 'georssurl.rss'
		style: newStyle
		popupSize: new OpenLayers.Size(250, 200)
		popupType: OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored
		customPopup: true

GeoRSS Parameters

Please see the geoRSS Parameters topic for details on how you may configure the geoRSS object.