The first step that you need to take when configuring MyHouse MapSources is to either add an existing map source or create a new a new one. You can do this by right clicking on the MyHouse root icon BaseMaps, will need to be defined under the MyHouse node.
and selecting either Import Existing MapSource or Create New MapSource. Any Map Source that you wish to use in My House, other than your...
You can change the number of columns displayed in My House by selecting the iShare Settings. In the General Settings under Web you will see the entry MyPagesColumns; change this to reflect the number of columns you wish to be displayed.
Display Name
Enter the name that you wish to appear on the tab for My House.
Page Type
Panels Page
This style is the default and is usually used for My House and presents the information in panels e.g.
Nearest Page
This style is used for My Nearest and displays the information as a list with expandable and collapsible Layer Groups e.g.
Here you can select the type of search you wish to be performed for this map source.
House Search
This is the default option and will perform an address search.
Area Search
Selecting this option will perform a point in polygon search. When you select this radio button you will also be asked for the Layer Name to be used as the polygon layer e.g. Wards and the Search Field that is the unique id for the layer.
Selection this option will perform a lookup in a Data Source. You will be asked to specify the Data Source, Layer Name and Search Field to be used to perform the lookup.
If you expand the MyHouse node you will see each configured MyHouse Map Source. Expand an individual MyHouse entry to configure other areas such as: