My House Options

Click on the Map Source  icon for a My House Map Source and select the MapSource tab to enter the main options.

As My House Layers are Classic Layers you can Edit and View the Map using the Map Editor and Map Viewer tabs respectively.

Map Settings

Map Name

This should be the full path to the MapServer .map file.


This is not required for a My House or My Nearest Map Source.

Map Units

From Version 5.6.2. The general Map Units for the Map Source. This should be METERS for a My House or My Nearest Map Source. This setting replaces the 'Zoom Units' previously found in the MapSource Startup settings.

Paths and Watermarking

XSL Path

This defines the XML style sheet used in the translation from XML to HTML. This style sheet refers to the My House page. This should define the relative path from the root server site including.

CSS Path

This defines the cascading style sheet used in this theme. This should define the relative path from the root server site including filename and.


This defines the watermark file.  This should define the relative path from the root server site including filename and extension.

Copyright Info

The Copyright statement that will appear in the map.

Fault Reporting

These details are covered under the Logger Options topic.

Find Address

If you wish to to configure the requirements for finding addresses then check this entry.

If you are configuring a My House map then you will see the Lookup Settings button. This allows you to configure the Data Share entries that you may wish to use as UPRN lookup layers for a Virtual Layer. Please see the My House Lookup Settings topic for details.

The Find Address element defines the parameters for the Find An Address option in iShare. Addresses may be found by using either a web service or a database. This entry determines whether or not the Find An Address option is displayed. Please refer to the Find Address Settings topic for further information.