My House Configuration

My House Configuration

The first step that you need to take when configuring MyHouse MapSources is to either add an existing map source or create a new a new one. You can do this by right clicking on the MyHouse root icon  and selecting either Import Existing MapSource or Create New MapSource. Any Map Source that you wish to use in My House, other than your BaseMaps, will need to be defined under the MyHouse node.

For details on how to Create or Import a MapSource please see the My Maps Configuration page.

You can change the number of columns displayed in My House by selecting the iShare Settings. In the General Settings under Web you will see the entry MyPagesColumns; change this to reflect the number of columns you wish to be displayed.

Display Name

Enter the name that you wish to appear on the tab for My House.

Page Type

Panels Page

This style is the default and is usually used for My House and presents the information in panels e.g.

Nearest Page

This style is used for My Nearest and displays the information as a list with expandable and collapsible Layer Groups e.g.

Search Type

Here you can select the type of search you wish to be performed for this map source.

House Search

This is the default option and will perform an address search.

Area Search

Selecting this option allows the creation of a My Ward style page which show information for the area that the current address falls within. When a user visits such a page a point in polygon search is used to find the polygon that the current address falls within then this polygon is used to query layers for features which fall within it.

A Search Layer (e.g. wards) and Search Field (e.g. ward_code) must be specified. Area Search layers are defined in the mapfile specified via the Mapfile Path option above. This mapfile commonly only contains layers used for Area Searches. These layers are commonly polygon Shapefiles with a stable unique id such as a ward code which can be used to lookup a single polygon. An example LAYER entry is as follows:

Area Search Mapfile LAYER
        # ward_lookup.shp has a single ward_code field
        # which has a unique value for each ward polygon
        DATA "D:\iShareData\Astun\ward_lookup.shp"
        NAME "ward_lookup"
        STATUS OFF
            "qstring_validation_pattern"	"."
            NAME ' '
                OUTLINECOLOR 128 0 128
                WIDTH 2

Area Search Layers

When creating layers within a Area Search MapSource the "Show My" option is generally used which will result in all features which fall within the current area polygon being selected.


Selection this option will perform a lookup in a Data Source. You will be asked to specify the Data Source, Layer Name and Search Field to be used to perform the lookup. The way that this works is:

  1. The Address is selected by user
  2. A  point (Address) in polygon (Layersearch is performed
  3. The Search Field is used to join and return data from the Data Source.

Data Source

This becomes available when the Lookup radio button is selected. A configured Postgres Data Source used for join / Lookup using the Search Field.

The Data Source must be in the "public" schema for this to work.

Layer Name

This becomes available when either the Area Search or Lookup radio button is selected. This must be a polygon-based Layer in the selected Map Source.

Search Field

This becomes available when either the Area Search or Lookup radio button is selected. Select a field selected from the list of Available Fields configured for the selected Layer to be used as the Search Field to lookup the Data Source.

If you expand the MyHouse node you will see each configured My House Map Source. Expand an individual My House entry to configure other areas such as:

In order for the Show on map link to work, when you have specified Find Nearest for the Layer in your My House / My Nearest Map Source, a Layer with the same Layer Name must exist in your default My Maps Map Source.

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