Feature Builder allows you to create Polygons from underlying OS MasterMap using the WPS Service from Astun Services.
In order to enable Feature Builder you will need to have configured the WPS entries on the External Services tab of the iShare Settings. This configures the URL to the WPS Service together with the Username and Password for basic authentication.
As Feature Builder is a component of Feature Editing, it is only available for OGC Layers i.e. where the data is held in a PostgreSQL database. The PostgreSQL database can be on either the Local iShare server or a Remote server such as a the iShare SDW. Feature Editing is allowed across all schemas in the PostgreSQL database not just the public schema. Permission is granted via the Layer Roles tab on the Roles node in Studio. In addition, the Map Source in which a Layer resides must be secured with one or more Roles before a Layer is editable - see Applying Roles to Map Sources for more information.
Addition to Feature Editing
There are two new buttons on the Editing Toolbar in Feature Editing to allow you to Add or Remove a polygon to / from an existing selection.
You will only be able to add more than one polygon if the layer has been configured as a MultiPolygon Geometry Type.
Adding a Polygon to an existing selection
1. Create a new polygon in the Feature Editor
2. Click on the Add Polygon button on the toolbar
3. Draw the new polygon
4. Double-click to finish the polygon
Removing a Polygon from an existing selection
1. Click on the Remove Polygon button
2. Click on the polygon you want to remove
3. The polygon will be removed from the selection
Using Feature Builder
Once you have selected to Edit Features for your Polygon Layer and selected the New feature button, you will see the Feature Builder switch under the Feature Editing heading. It will also be enabled if you select an existing Polygon feature using the Select feature button and clicking on the existing polygon on the map.
Once you have switched Feature Builder on you then click on the map.
The first map click will create a geometry from the underlying OS MasterMap feature. Clicking on neighbouring features will enlarge the geometry to include the selected polygons. Clicking on features that overlap the current geometry will remove them shrinking it or creating a hole.
If you click on non-adjacent features, you may end up with a shape that contains multiple parts and the Save button will be disabled.
Using Feature Builder in Feature Editing
1. Click on the Edit button for the layer
2. Select New Feature and enable the Feature Builder plugin
3. Select the features you require from the map
4. Clicking on an already selected feature will deselect it
5. Enter any required attributes and click Save
6. The feature will be displayed on the map in the layer's style
Adding more than a single polygon
1. Edit the layer, select New Feature and draw a polygon
2. Click on the Add Polygon button on the toolbar
3. Draw the second polygon
4. To remove a polygon, click on the Remove Polygon button on the toolbar
5. Then click on the polygon to remove and it will disappear