Applying Roles to a Map Layer

Applying Roles to a Map Layer


Once Roles have been created in iShare they may then be applied to your Map Layer using the Roles node and selecting the Editing Rights tab.

If you cannot see the available roles, and you have just added them via the Roles Editor, then you may need to close Studio and re-open.

First select a Layer from the drop down list of available Layers (Classic Layers will not be included) and then use the arrows to select from the list of Available Roles those which you wish to apply to the selected Layer.

The selected layer must have a primary key that has a serial data type [auto created] and the layer must include all of the records in the table i.e SQL statement has not been modified.

Once you have applied a Role to a Layer then, users who are a member of that role will be able to edit the features of that Layer in iShare GIS.

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