Feature Editing

Feature Editing



Feature Editing is only available for Standard Layers i.e. where the data is held in a PostgreSQL database. The PostgreSQL database can be on either the Local iShare server or a Remote server such as a the iShare SDW. Feature Editing is allowed across all schemas in the PostgreSQL database not just the public schema.

If you are interested we have created a couple of videos that show Feature Editing:

You will only be able to edit the features in a Layer if you have been given permission to do so. Permission is granted via the Layer Roles tab on the Roles node in StudioIn addition, the Map Source in which a Layer resides must be secured with one or more Roles before a Layer is editable - see Applying Roles to Map Sources for more information. 

In order for Users to save features they need to have Write permission to the \Astun\iShare\n.n\WebApps\Web\ folder. The easiest way to do this is by using the Windows Groups that are used for iShare GIS Roles.

  1. The default Map Source (with no Roles attached) cannot be used for editing purposes.
  2. Any Layer (table), enabled for Feature Editing must have Column names that do NOT contain spaces.

For details on how to use Feature Editing in iShare GIS please click on one of the following links:

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