iShare Spotlight

iShare Spotlight


iShare Spotlight is an application that allows a GIS user to configure an interactive map, with layers of your GIS data and publish it in an iFrame embedded in your website or webform. Spotlight is derived from our ol-ishare library of tools and resources.

Spotlight uses your iShare ADS Base Mapping and existing My Maps Map Source(s) so you have access to all your iShare Maps data, although you can only include one Map Source within a Spotlight map.

Using the Spotlight tools a web site administrator or web developer can easily, (without coding) publish a map onto a web page, with the option to include: Map Navigation Controls, Address / Location search box, Layer controls and Annotations. Please see Configuring iShare Spotlight for details.

For details on how a user would use a Spotlight map please see Using iShare Spotlight.

Use Cases

  • As a visitor to the council website I would like to see a map showing the location of the Town Hall.

  • As a visitor to the council website I would like to see the location of all street works currently being undertaken in my area.

  • As a local planning authority I have a statutory duty to publish my planning applications on my website.

  • As a resident visiting the council website I would like to view crime data, perhaps before making a house purchase.

  • As a visitor to the council website I would like to see the location of Schools and Children's Centres and their proximity to NHS services.

  • As a visitor to the council website I would like to see parking restrictions

  • As a visitor to the council website I would like to see air quality

For the Techies

Spotlight utilises ol-ishare which is a library of JavaScript functions utilising Open Layers 6 that allows you to embed geospatial functions (like a map window) in an HTML page.

Spotlight Architecture Simplified