Using iShare Spotlight

Using iShare Spotlight

Spotlight can be accessed from https://ol-ishare.services.astuntechnology.com/v1/apps/spotlight/index.html

In the following example on how to use Spotlight we have chosen to display NHS Choices data but this could be any of your iShare Maps data.

The first step is to position the map to the area you are interested in by using the Search box at the top right of the map. As you start to type matching addresses will be displayed e.g.

As soon as you see the address you want you can select it from the list.

We have selected 9 Adelphi Road and you can see, in the following screen shot, that a pin has been placed on the map showing the selected address and the map has been zoomed in and positioned so that this is at the centre of the map.

If you feel that the map has zoomed in too far or not enough you can use the scroll bar on your mouse or click on the plus (zoom in) or minus (zoom out) buttons at the bottom right of the map. You can also click and hold the left mouse button (pan) to drag the map into a different location if you require.

Base mapping is always displayed and you can choose if you wish to see this as OS Greyscale or OS Colour by selecting the relevant Base maps entry on the Legend e.g.

Radio buttons (circular) allow you to select a single entry whilst Check boxes (square) allow you to select multiple entries.

Now you can decide which other information you are interested in by ticking the relevant boxes in the Legend. If you tick the box for the heading entry then all sub entries / layers will be automatically selected. Alternatively you can just select a single layer. We have selected to display all NHS Choices e.g.

Once an entry has been selected a small image is displayed in the Legend detailing how each layer will be displayed on the map.

Here you can see that there is a Doctor, Optician and Dentist fairly close by. Just look at the Legend to see what each of the icons represents.

To remove a layer from the map just untick the box in the Legend.

You can hide the Legend, if you find it is getting in the way, by clicking the Collapse Legend (>) arrow at the top left of the Legend. To re-display the Legend click the Legend button under the Search box e.g.

To find out more information about a particular entry just click on it on the map and an Information box will appear e.g.

If Spotlight has been configured to use Full screen you will see a Toggle full-screen button at the bottom right of the map.

Clicking this will expand the map to fill the page and clicking it again will exit full-screen.