Help Index
Help Index
Astun Data Services - ADS
- Base mapping - Setup & Configuration
- Astun Data Services - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Configure iShare GIS to use new Feature Builder
- Configuring iShare v5.8 to use the new base mapping services
- Configuring iShare v6 to use OS Maps API base map services
- Configuring QGIS to use OS Maps API WMTS/WMS base maps
- Obtain an OS API key for base maps and other services
- How-To Articles List
- Syndicated Data
Astun Technology Support Portal
Configure Location Searching
- AddressBase Premium CSV Importer
- AddressBase Premium GML Importer
- Configure Location Lookups
- NLPG (National Land & Property Gazetteer) Importer
Developer Reference
- Creating your MyCouncil page
- Developer Reference Index
- Embedding Maps
- iShare Plugins for Developers
- iShare Web Services
- Other Developer Tools
- Print to PDF Configuration
- Technical Documentation
Glossary and Acronyms
Help Index
How-To Articles
- Add a Favicon to iShare GIS
- Add a language toggle link
- Add a simple URL
- Add a Vertical Scroll bar to iShare GIS Profiles
- Add Google Analytics to iShare Maps
- Add UPRN based information
- Allow links on my MyHouse or MyNearest pages to open in new browser tab
- Allow the use of ADS Base Maps served by HTTPS
- Alter the Mini Map displayed in My House
- Analyse Logs using MS Log Parser
- Apply & Store Styling for an OS MasterMap Topography Layer
- Backup iShare Installation & Configuration
- Be Tolerant
- Change Annotation Layer Ownership
- Change NHS Choices links to HTTPS
- Change the "Distance" and "away" language/text for MyHouse and MyNearest
- Change the ADS Blank BaseMap colour
- Change the default "Search for a Location" text
- Change the iShare Maps tab text
- Change Workflow or My Alerts Notification Sender Email
- Clean up data from Remote services
- Configure a My House Polygon in Polygon Search
- Configure a trusted endpoint in ADFS v2.0+
- Configure iShare GIS for multi-domain authentication
- Configure iShare GIS Security using AD FS
- Configure iShare to use Aerial Photography from APGB
- Configure MapServer Cartography
- Configure My Alerts with multiple Workspaces
- Configuring a WMTS Basemap
- Convert a PostgreSQL column from text to numeric
- Convert Classic Layers to Standard Layers
- Convert Rasters for Map Serving
- Correct Environment Agency WFS mapping flipped on x, y axis
- Create a Dynamic Tilecache
- Create a Find Nearest Point Layer
- Create a Google StreetView layer
- Creating a My Ward page
- Customise Feature Highlighting in iShare GIS
- Deal with incorrect ADS Road Names and Labelling
- Debug My House
- Display a popup information box on iShare GIS
- Display BaseMaps served via ADS on a Leaflet Map
- Display Distance in Kilometres and Miles
- Download ESRI FeatureServer to GeoJSON
- Enable AD FS v2 for iShare GIS
- Enable GeoJSON output format in MapServer to be used in an OpenLayers client
- Export data from Access to Postgres using Data Share
- Export Non-spatial CSV files
- Export your Annotation Layers
- Extract email addresses from the My Alerts database
- Extract Non-System Functions from the iShare Database
- Find IIS Log files
- Find the Projection of a Shape file
- Find which schemas/tables are taking up excessive disk space
- Fix issue with SDW running slow or unable to open tables
- Fix missing Layers if using an alternative name for your geometry column
- Generate Advanced Reports using LogParser
- Hide "Show on map" links on my MyHouse or MyNearest pages
- Highlight a Feature in a Layer
- How and When to use Views
- Implement SSO for iShare GIS with Azure ID (Microsoft Entra ID)
- Import Data from an MS SQL Server database
- Import Features from an ESRI REST service via iShare Workflow
- Import Layers with different Projections
- Import MapInfo styles into PostgreSQL
- Integrate iShare GIS with ADFS
- Join attribute data in QGIS
- Link to a File from iShare GIS Information Browser
- Link to iShare from your home page
- Link to Legacy NHS Choices Layers
- Load data into PostgreSQL from QGIS
- Load large CSV dataset into PostgreSQL
- Load MapInfo Seamless tables in QGIS
- Load Polygon & Multi Polygon data using Workflow
- Lock the Zoom level on a Lite map
- Mosaic thousands of raster images
- Open all iShare links in a new window
- Overcome issues with importing Column Names which are Reserved words
- Reduce Shapefile Geometries Precision to a level PostgreSQL supports
- Remove MapServer / PostgreSQL & iShare temporary files with Studio Workflow
- Remove SLD files over a certain size
- Replace "&" with "and" in your data
- Report iShare issues to Support
- Request ADFS Groups to administer Roles in iSiC
- Retrieve the Coordinates of a Feature in WGS84 via both LocalInfo and a Virtual Layer in My House
- Return a list of Windows Scheduled Tasks
- Roll Back My Alerts
- Run a Powershell Script using Studio Workflow
- Run iShare under HTTPS
- Run the DeleteFiles Powershell Script
- Set My Maps Panels as Open by Default
- Share folders on an iShare Windows Server
- Spatialise a CSV file with Easting & Northing attributes
- Specify map Zoom when a user performs a Find Address in iShare GIS
- Speed up moving Data via iShare Studio Tasks
- Test My Alerts Notifications
- Upgrade iShare GIS
- Upgrade iShare Maps
- Upgrade PostGIS 1.5.x to PostGIS 1.5.5
- Use a CSV as a Data Share Data source in v6.0
- Use HTML in Attributes
- Create a Data Share Database
- Customer Data Configuration
- IIS Naming Conventions
- Installing 3rd Party Applications
- Installing iShare
- Installing iShare Studio ETL
- iShare Folder Structure
- Upgrade a Data Share Database
iShare Accessibility
iShare GIS
- Annotation Layers
- Application Bar
- Applying Filters to Layers
- Cookies used by iShare GIS
- Customising Thematic Layers
- Feature Editing
- Information Browser
- iShare GIS - How-To Articles List
- iShare GIS Roles
- Map Categories
- Map Window
iShare Logger
- How do you want to use your data?
- Logger Map Sources
- Logger Report Layers
- Logger Scenarios in our Demo
- Other Logger Scenarios
iShare Maps
iShare Metadata
- Common Customer FAQs on INSPIRE & Enterprise Metadata
- Create a UK Gemini 2.3 compliant Metadata Record in GeoNetwork
- Getting Started with Metadata with Astun Technology
- Metadata Crawler
- Metadata Publication: Enterprise or INSPIRE+Enterprise
iShare My Alerts
iShare Plugins
- Create a Plugin for iShare GIS
- Enable & Use iShare GIS Print Template Export plugin for QGIS
- Enable iShare GIS Drilldown Plugin
- Enable iShare GIS Feedback Plugin
- Enable iShare GIS Predefined Site Report Plugin
- Enable iShare GIS Site Report Plugin
- Enable iShare Maps Permalink Plugin
iShare Publisher
iShare Spatial Data Warehouse - SDW
- iShare SDW - How-To Articles List
- iShare SDW v1.5
- Assigning Access Rights to a Private Schema V1.5
- Changing MapInfo styling for a table V1.5
- Changing the default MapInfo styling V1.5
- Changing the Password for a User V1.5
- Configure a Table for Auditing V1.5
- Configuring Studio V1.5
- Creating an Admin User V1.5
- Creating a Schema V1.5
- Creating a Snapshot of a Table which is being Audited V1.5
- Creating a Standard User V1.5
- Creating a User table V1.5
- Creating a User View V1.5
- Creating a View in a Corporate schema V1.5
- Dropping a Table V1.5
- Granting / Removing Roles on Users V1.5
- Importing External data V1.5
- Loading a Non-spatial table into the SDW V1.5
- Moving a User table into a Corporate Schema V1.5
- Moving View from Staging to Corporate schema V1.5
- Restricting a Schema in the SDW V1.5
- SDW Installation V1.5
- Storing QGIS Styling in SDW 1.5
- Updating Mapinfo MapCatalog table in the SDW V1.5
- iShare SDW v2.0
- Allow Users access to Schema from Desktop GIS v2.0
- Allow Users access to Views using multiple schemas in iShare v2.0
- Allow Users to View or Edit Schema data in iShare v2.0
- Assigning Access Rights to a Private Schema v2.0
- Changing MapInfo Styling for a Table v2.0
- Changing the default MapInfo styling v2.0
- Changing the Password for a User v2.0
- Configure a Table for Auditing v2.0
- Configuring Studio v2.0
- Creating an Admin User v2.0
- Creating a Schema v2.0
- Creating a Snapshot of a table which is being Audited v2.0
- Creating a Standard User v2.0
- Creating a User table v2.0
- Creating a User View v2.0
- Creating a View in a Corporate Schema v2.0
- Dropping a Table v2.0
- Dropping a View v2.0
- Granting / Removing Roles on Users v2.0
- Importing External data v2.0
- Loading a Non-spatial table into the SDW v2.0
- Moving a Table from the Public schema into a Corporate schema v2.0
- Moving a User table into a Corporate schema v2.0
- Moving a View from the Staging to a Corporate schema v2.0
- Restricting a Schema in the SDW v2.0
- SDW Installation v2.0
- Store QGIS Styling in SDW v2.0
iShare Spotlight
iShare Studio
- BaseMaps Configuration
- Data Share Connections
- iShare Settings
- iShare Studio - How-To Articles List
- Languages Editor
- Layer Configuration
- Layer Group Configuration
- Map Sources
- Metadata Overview
- My Alerts Administrator Module
- My House Configuration
- My Maps Configuration
- Roles Editor
- Studio Setup
- Studio Tools
- Workflow Manager
iShare Studio ETL
iShare Videos
QGIS in the Cloud
Release Notes
- Version 4.4.4
- Version 4.4.6
- Version 5.0.0
- Version 5.2.0
- Version 5.4.0
- Version 5.6.0
- Version 5.8.0
- Version 6.0.0
Support Notifications
System Administration
- Application Logging
- Backing up your Database
- Clearing the iShare Cache and Reloading the Config
- Creating your MapServer .MAP file
- FTP Replicator
- iShare Health Check - Essential Maintenance Tasks
- iShare Security
- Performance Tuning
- pgAdmin Useful Tools
- Storing Data in PostGIS
- The Tilecache
System Connections
- Authenticated WFS service via iShare Studio
- BridgeStation
- Brightly Confirm
- Civica Contact 360 (formerly Asidua CCP)
- CMIS Integration
- Connect ArcGIS 10.2 to iShare SDW
- Connect MapInfo to iShare SDW
- Connect Microsoft Access to PostgreSQL
- Elgin (roadworks.org)
- Food Standards Agency - UK Food Hygiene Rating API
- Fulcrum Integration
- GIAS / EduBase
- Idox - Uniform Publishing Master Spatial Data from PostGIS to Oracle
- iShare In The Cloud Connectivity
- Modern.gov [RSS]
- NHS Choices
- OS Open Names
- Police Downloader
- Symology Insight
- Various Other Systems
- Veolia's Waste Collection Web Service
Training Modules
- Introduction to GIS
- PostGIS Essentials
- QGIS Advanced
- QGIS Essentials
- QGIS-01 3.28: Getting Started with QGIS
- QGIS-02 3.28: Vector Data in QGIS
- QGIS-03 3.28: Styling in QGIS
- QGIS-04 3.28: Queries in QGIS
- QGIS-05 3.28: Raster Data in QGIS
- QGIS-06 3.28: QGIS Data Creation and Editing
- QGIS-07 3.28: QGIS Geo Processing
- QGIS-08 3.28: PostGIS Data in QGIS
- QGIS-09 3.28: QGIS Print Layouts
- SQL for Postgres/PostGIS