Virtual Layer Tags

Virtual Layer Tags

The following ##[var-name]## variables are available, by default, for the currently-selected location in iShare and are substituted for the following data values when presented on web-pages (MyHouse / MyNearest / MyMaps / etc.).




The postcode of the property


The EASTING Coordinate of the property


The EASTING Coordinate of the property to nearest integer


The EASTING rounded to 10M


The EASTING rounded to 100M


The NORTHING Coordinate of the property


The NORTHING Coordinate of the property to nearest integer


The NORTHING rounded to 10M


The NORTHING rounded to 100M


The UPRN of the property


The USRN of the property


The postal address of the property

##latitude##The LATITUDE Coordinate of the property
##longitude##The LONGITUDE Coordinate of the property