iShare Publisher

iShare Publisher


iShare Publisher enables a Council to publish any of its back office data via its website. Engage with your citizens by publishing your information, making it accessible and allowing citizens to comment on it or post updates.

Data Share accesses siloed back office data and Publisher provides the means to search and access this data via a Council’s website. Publisher includes powerful search technology to facilitate the process. So? ...well this means that any information, useful to the public, but previously locked up in individual systems can now become accessible.

Enter your Search Criteria

Results list displayed showing matching entries

Click on one of the Results in the list to display the details.


Important NotesMap

Publisher in action

Data Share is capable of accessing siloed system data and Publisher provides the means to search and access it via a Council’s website. Publisher includes powerful search technology to facilitate the process. So? ...well this means that any information, useful to the public, but previously locked up in individual systems now becomes accessible. Such as?...

  • PlanningSimple or complex searches of the whole planning database.
  • LicensingPerhaps a noisy pub is keeping you awake at night and you want to check out its precise licensing hours before reporting the behaviour.
  • Environmental Health - Look up hygiene assessments of local food outlets, favourite take-aways, clubs, pubs and restaurants. Enable links to online forms to allow citizens to report their own findings!
  • Building ControlThe main function of Building Control is to ensure compliance with the building regulations Publisher provides a simple way to publish all BC data held by a council.
  • CemeteriesThe BBC program ‘Who do you think you are?’ has driven a huge increase in the popularity of genealogy. Local Authorities hold vast amounts of data including cemeteries which can often provide clues to help people trying to trace their family lineage. Helping people out can be time consuming so it seems sensible to enable them to ‘self-serve’ via the website. Monmouthshire will be the first to put their cemetery data online using Publisher.

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