iShare v6

iShare v6


iShare in the Cloud (iSiC) is a popular application used by scores of local government organisations. Versions are also used by other public and private sector agencies. 

We released v5 of the application in 2012. Many incremental improvements have since led to v5.8, the version used today by most of our clients.

Our developers have spent many months rebuilding the application from the ground up and we are pleased to announce that iShare v6 is now ready for release.

Unlike previous upgrades which have been delivered ‘in-place’, the move to iShare v6 will require a full migration to updated hardware.

New iSiC customers will get the latest version of iShare. Users of earlier 5.* versions of iShare are encouraged to migrate to v6 at a convenient opportunity. At some future point Astun will cease to support legacy versions of iShare, but we will always provide plenty of notice and are able to support customers through the migration.

The benefits of migrating

Since our last major release, there have been significant changes in some of the underlying technologies. As a result, the benefits of migrating will include:

  • New features to improve the experience for iSiC users

  • Improved flexibility

  • Enhanced performance

  • Improved resilience