Logger Scenarios in our Demo

Logger Scenarios in our Demo

If you are interested in seeing how iShare Logger works please use the Demo below which highlights three difference scenarios.

The following table explains the different Layer Types used in our Demo scenarios.

Use Case

Layer Type


Use Case

Layer Type


Report a fault with a Streetlight


Streetlight point layer - To make sure users click on an actual streetlight. Also holds information for the report such as Streetlight ID.

You may wish to add a Local Authority Boundary layer - To prevent users reporting faults outside of the local authority boundary.



OS MasterMap Roads, tracks and paths - gives the administrator the context as to where this streetlight is in their road network.

You may wish to include Parishes or Wards to provide extra information.



OS Premium Base Mapping - so that a user can see where they are on the map.

Report a Pothole


OS MasterMap Roads, tracks and paths - To make sure users click on an area of highway.

You may wish to add a Local Authority Boundary layer - To prevent users reporting faults outside of the local authority boundary.




You may wish to add layers like Ward, Parish, Operational Area or any other layer to provide information to the back office system you wish to integrate with.



OS Premium Base Mapping - so that a user can see where they are on the map.

Report Fly-Tipping



You may wish to add a Local Authority Boundary layer - To prevent users reporting fly-tipping outside of the local authority boundary.



Wards - has Ward Name, Code and Description to provide extra location information.

You may wish to add a layer of Council maintained land for instance to understand who is responsible for the clean up.



OS Premium Base Mapping - so that a user can see where they are on the map.

Logger Demo (link)


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