Configuring MapServer .MAP files for WMS requests
Configuring MapServer .MAP files for WMS requests
TileCache works with WMS servers, in order for MapServer to be able to serve WMS responses correctly there needs to be some additions to the .MAP files used. The example below shows the required settings that need to be added:
MAP NAME "RasterMap" CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "D:\mapserver\cgi-bin5.4\proj\nad" PROJECTION "init=epsg:27700" END WEB METADATA WMS_TITLE "Cleveland Police" AUTHOR "Astun Technology" "ows_enable_request" "*" END END LAYER METADATA WMS_TITLE "Cleveland Police Area @ 250K" END END END
Essentially MAP has to have NAME, CONFIG and PROJECTION settings and WEB and all LAYERs need to have a METADATA setting.
In WEB, METADATA has WMS_TITLE and AUTHOR settings and for LAYERs it's just WMS_TITLE.
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